Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Mahatma Gandhi Worldview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mahatma Gandhi Worldview - Essay Example This paper, therefore, compares and contrasts Gandhi’s worldview about the nature of God, social issues and family with my own experience and worldview in the same. Gandhi became a role model to many people through his faith, in truth and justice, for all humankind. His faith, in religion, made him love those who opposed his ideals to bring about peace with non-violence (Damm, January 2011). His teachings on religion were transparent as most of it can be attested to those of the Bible despite his focusing on meekness and humility, which is rather a rare case for any society. Gandhi emphasize on making peace†an eye for an eye would cost us all our eyes†as he stated (Damm, January 2011), but through my worldview, I feel that conflict is brought about by self-interest, proving the point that there exist no ideal human society where everyone thinks and acts the same level for each other. According to Gandhi, people should take the responsibility to care about the poo r, and not refuse to take part, in oppressive practices, but also to fight domination whenever we see it (Damm, January 2011). Gandhi was a moral path of action since he believed in national independence, political and economic freedom of individuals and self-rule. Gandhi tries to explain the nature of God, in the human soul or life, and how God and man relate to explain the nature of God and family experiences. For instance, he believes that human suffering can be explained through assessing their relationships with God. He also believed that one should serve humanity, especially the poor and the downtrodden (Jahanbegloo, 1996). In this context, I agree with Gandhi that we should always care about the poor, in the society, just as nurses do. As an atheist, I strongly believe that humankind do not have any relationship with God. Therefore, it is every person’s duty to take care of one another, including the poor, without perceiving that their suffering is linked to some super natural being. Gandhi also shows how God should be intellectualized and linked with one dense theory of man. It is the basic contention of the present research endeavor that Gandhi’s greatest political ideas were like echo, and their reflections were simple and characterized by western positioning, which fail to some extent to escalate the true essence of Gandhi’s political ideas (Jahanbegloo, 1996). His ideas are firmly rooted, in the traditions, but are so modern in the spirit. According to my perception, Gandhi is not a meager theorist, but he an applied experimentalist, who tried to apply his ideas in the political arena. I also feel that those regarding Gandhi as their role models are those people who strongly believe in some supernatural power. This is because Gandhi’s greatness lies not only in his saintly and holy living, but also in his epic brawls and actions (Jahanbegloo, 1996). The success of every step of his struggle was attributed to God. In most cases, politicians and atheists, like I, are not generally reputed to take religion and God seriously, for the values, to which they are committed such as the political control of one individual or another, the economic exploitation and economic liberty of the poorer and weaker human being. These values are clearly incompatible with the value of religion that the latter could not be taken too seriously or
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Analysis of TV Show “Friendsâ€Â
Analysis of TV Show â€Å"Friends†Deep Analysis of the show â€Å"Friends†in terms of Television Pluralism First Section: HISTORICAL OVERVIEW: Creation: In American television history, a sitcom â€Å"Friends†was added by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, which initially aired on NBC from September 22, 1994 and ended on May 6, 2004. It had 10 seasons in total. The casting for the television show â€Å"Friends†was miraculous. The story revolves around six friends living in Manhattan. The balanced chemistry between all the six brilliant actors justified the casting. Not to forget the legendary director and the writers, who with their words gave all the young and single, something to relate to. In a place where recession is normal, you have to fail a couple of times in order to win. It was a thought about those who work and struggle in their mid twenties, looking for jobs, at the basic stage of building and exploring a life they want. The director wanted to reach those particular people that are the targeted audience. Imagining about those young ones struggling in big cities, it is very expensive to live on their own, they all almost face same kind of difficulties, it’s a tough physical as well as emotional journey. Now, with a friend, it’s a lot easier, this general idea influenced director to transform it into development and so we had this show, its name reflecting the idea itself as knows as â€Å"Friends†. Six friends having six different characters as following: Chandler Bing (an executive in statistical analysis), Monica Geller (a chef), Rachel Green (fashion enthusiast), Ross Geller (paleontologist) and Joey Tribbiani (struggling actor). The writers had to modify the script in order to suit it with the casted actors. The actors very well played their respective roles and they became friends off air as well which really paid off well. Reception: It gained a lot of popularity and awards throughout its run. The show â€Å"Friends†became the first long running sitcom, when it got the highest rating for it on US television. Friends won an Emmy, award for the Best Comedy Series category, which was another first. The show was praised for lack of violent content. Although, there were few critical responses over some contents, it did not stop celebrities to play and guest appearance role in this show which includes: Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Helen Hunt, Elliot Gould, Charlie sheen and others. Despite other competitive sitcoms Friends managed to remain at its place that is for both social phenomenon and hugely entertaining television show. According to one of the experts Friends is one of those show which marked a change in American culture. The portrayal of youth and the roles they play are well defined and represents a lifestyle that focuses around creating and maintaining relationship between a group of friends running their own lives and seeking support from each other In audience appeal, Friends was undoubtedly stayed in the nineties and as well as in the early years of twentieth century. As with time, the reviews got more positive than negative, it progressed and Friends become a most popular hit sitcom. It is still ranked as among time best TV shows (Cosgrove) Critics praised the series for having persistently spiky dialogue script and the chemistry among the most important actors was extra ordinary. Some praised the finale for being more touching and more satisfying as reflecting to the closure it gave. (Parish) Critical Reaction: Early reviews for the show were mixed (Friends Season 1). The producers always tried to match the right stories to location; it’s funny that it was never filmed in New York. They decided that filming outside would make the show less funny. The series was criticized for portraying New York the wrong way, by showing a group of friends which are struggling they are weak financially and they are not able to afford large apartments. With this being a minor criticism over the location, it also faced some serious accusations. The major criticism which it faced was focused on the use of sexuality charged themes specially the time for the show was when the kids usually watch television. Parents Television Council called it raciest sitcom, they claimed that all six characters were shown sexually on the go and the dialogues also contained vulgarity, and more sexual content. Monica’s approval on Chandler fondness for porn and that Joey’s several sexual par tners became the target. The PTC, in fact, called the show as one of the worst in US television as referring to its sexual content and vulgar language used by the characters in the show. Section Two: Full Examination in relation to Cultural Pluralism: The show was no doubt progressive. It started with negative responses and gained itself positive and best appreciation afterward which is still associated with it. As talking about the stereotypical conformity it represented in terms of race, gender, sexuality, or ethnicity. Race; The show did not support racism in particular all the characters were given balanced roles and there was not seen any hatred in terms of racism as it was shown that Joey belonged to some Spanish family. But Ross’s second wife Emily was British and they did make fun of her accent but there was no hatred seen as it was part of the humor being created at that instant. Looking into this matter more critically, the cast is always seen in a coffee shop called â€Å"Central Perk†and on the same sofa every day, it seems as if they are depicting the dominance and everyone else was not important and not worthy enough to be a part of their i.e. main characters’ conversation. When Ross dates Julie, a girl from chine, Rachel shows jealousy so she acts rude to her. This episode, where Julie is with all the other characters together in a group and she is being really nice to everyone including Rachel but Rachel, in spite of her kindness, abuses Julie and calls her names. Rachel is portrayed as a typical white woman perfect hair and all beautiful. Minorities even if dated do not last longer in the series. Whereas, white people managed to break the circle and they get accepted by everyone. Take example of Mike, Phoebe’s husband. The show does seem to enforce their typical, white, middle-class lifestyle status, from beginning to end, and it is because of these examples that this show â€Å"Friends†can be considered as racist, well just a little I would say. Sexuality; As far as sexuality is concerned there were many sexual contents, well I would say an appropriate amount of sexual context, there was however no nudity shown. There was this naked guy in their neighbors who they used to look pout from their window and describe what he’s doing in a funny manner but there was no nudity shown. Another aspect where sexuality was depicted in the show â€Å"Friends†was the fact that everybody used to think that Chandler was gay, Joey because of his several sleep around, they used to consider him womanizer. While lesbians, bisexual and transgender characters did not appear in television until 1970s now television sitcoms are seen featuring an entire genre for gays. Ross’s ex wife is shown Lesbian and Chandler’s father is shown transsexual. The show can be considered as conveying heterosexual values toward a younger audience. Gender; Analyzing the sitcom Friends in terms of gender equality or sexism, it seems like the overall show is perhaps written in conflict to the so called male dominated society; gender binaries that are traditionally known to keep down women. This show is about six friends , three males and three females, again showing the balanced equality in numbers, all in their mid twenties as the series starts, they are living in Manhattan, struggling to develop and manage satisfying careers and as well as romantic relationships. (Spangler) The show has conveyed an improvement in the depiction of women in television, through Rachel’s character. Here sexual freedom exhibits a liberated woman, free from the dominated stereotypes of male dominating society and also the traditional stereotypes that come with the women who sleep around. The way they showed Rachel’s character, at first she was dependent on her father’s money but then she started working as a waitress initially an d then progressing finally she succeeded in building an exceptional career for herself, she became an inspiration to all women. Ethnicity; this genre, situation comedy, has become an integral part of American culture. This show presented a window meant to show us the homes of our favorite characters to know more about their ethnic background and lifestyles like we came to know about Chandlers indifferent behavior towards Christmas and Thanksgiving. Another positive aspect would be the common national portrayal of group of friends who functioned as family units where rather than parents or siblings; they relied on each other for support. While if critically observe this, they failed to include minorities in the depiction of common national or cultural tradition. With the all-American lifestyle depiction, six Americans, unmarried, young people living and struggling totally depicting that today’s society is biased in choosing friends. Whites go for whites. It can be said that audience would not have watched the show with this fan following if it was about six minority friends. This show might have present ed a wrong conclusion about different ethnic groups. People do not want their children to be racist; they want them to be diverse. All of the six characters were never seen with a minority; they were shown hanging out in a cafà © or bar that too in a large city. Closely, I saw African-American or Mexican in the background. There was this episode where Joey went for this part in a play; after the scene was finished I had seen three minorities’ heads in the background there were countless of whites though. Later, Rachel find a new boy friend that is white as well, they do not show any coupling with black people. The show which I chose is a product of its time because of the positive responses it received, not to forget the targeted audiences was satisfied with the show it had given them something to relate to and enjoy watching. As the show shown a casual latter day sequence of shots, for example the friends always gathered at the coffee shop to discuss their issues and breakups. Television critics highly praised the run as having constantly sharp script and chemistry linking the foremost actors (Friends climax watched by 51m) few other scholarly and TV critics gave their reviews: the jokes could make you laugh a couple of time each episode and the stories written were innovative and very original (Havrilesky) one of the brightest series in comedy (Richmond) the show was successful in making a comeback to their viewer’s heat and marking their territory (Carter) Cultural Significance: There are very few of the sitcoms in the history of television which have had long-term Cultural impact. It does not matter how much you categorize the TV programs or how much influence the novel reality trend has on it; it is a fact that will remain that television sitcoms are not realistic. It’s impossible for it to be 100% real because TV is not reality. The stories included are however chunks of the maker’s perception. Which they always edit, filter, and script it to manipulate the audiences to drag hug amount of attention and fan following. Rachel’s hairstyle was noticed a lot tit was even nicknamed as â€Å"The Rachel†(Jicha) and adopted by many. Joe’s catchphrase â€Å"How you doin’?†also became popular and imitated by many as a pickup line or when greeting or making new friends. Chandler’s sarcasm and jokes also influenced viewers it also developed an alternative lifestyle where young people live unconventional domesti c lives, it brings to a close way that all you need is some good friends and you can put up family of your choice. This new way of living and developing relationships is not normally seen in conventional society. Pluralism: Today pluralism has become a basic value of public communication. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, with other factor including pluralism, cultural variety, and acceptance toward other views and value systems has become a need for trend in society. (Gladkova) Television is a type of medium that makes it easy to carry on a conversation or to convey a message; it is a reference point to the culture for most of us. People who watch TV more often tend to compare themselves with those people in the TV and imitate their behavior, their way of talking, their way of dressing, and adopting their catchphrases or specific dialogues. Now take Friends in this scenario, it is reviewed that people consider that this is the most realistic sitcom as far as todays generation is concerned. Observe closely, the story is about three male and three female, all singles, struggling and surviving in New York on their salaries, job and part time jobs, they switch partners just as they change clothes. This is certainly not reality, maybe it is for the writers and the producers, but it is not for the rest of the world. As per the reality is concerned, makers of this show breathe high class lifestyles in town coastal big cities, they don’t look up to religious services and they don’t even know anyone who does, so through depiction of these television shows they end up reflecting the distorted reality of those who make the shows. And the sexual contents were there in excess which do not really set a good tradition, everybody has slept with everyone. Big changes sometimes happen with sitcoms, in Friends the characters ask out, date, and breakup. If, fortunately they get married, they have babies, or go to London. Writers use this in order to maintain the surprise factor, they couldn’t think of something new and something that can convey a message something useful let say they could have family that adopted a homeless kid. The show do not follow the ever changing context of real line, in contrast the viewer just tune in to see what’s next in the line which is systematically created; what happens next in a plotline. Like what would be the Ross’s reaction when he would see Rachel’s at the airport. Will Emily dump Ross after he took Rachel’s name on the wedding altar? Friends, nevertheless, depict postmodernism, and the absolute value of small community in which individual find his/her identity and safety. There was however no religion involved much, apart from occasions like Christmas. The characte rs weren’t shown visiting churches apart from only weddings. The other activities like drinking and smoking were however seen as often as it may get which was real enough. Works Cited Carter, Bill. Plot Twists Paid Off For Friends. The New York Times (2002 ). Cosgrove, Mather. TV Guide Names Top 50 Shows. CBS News (2002). Friends climax watched by 51m. BBC News (2004). Friends Season 1. CBS Interactive Inc. (2004). Gladkova, Anna A. The role of television in cultivating the values of pluralism and cultural diversity in children. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art 6.1 (2013). Havrilesky, Heather. Never forget your â€Å"Friends†. SALON (2004). Jicha, Tom. They leave as they began: With a buzz. The Baltimore Sun. (2004). Parish, Ken. Farewell to Friends The finale to the 10-year series wraps up all the loose ends. Fort Worth Star-Telegram (2004 ). Richmond, Ray. Season Premiere of Friends Leaves Room to Grow. Daily News of Los Angeles (CA) (1994). Spangler, Lynn C. Television Women from Lucy to Friends: Fifty Years of Sitcoms and Feminism. United States of America: Greenword Publishing Group, 2003.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hamlet - Was Prince Hamlet Wacko? :: essays research papers
In Shakespeare's "Hamlet", the main character offers a puzzling and ambiguous persona. Throughout the play, Hamlet often contradicts himself. He seems to balance the virtues of "playing a role", with being true to himself. Further proof of these conflicting personas are demonstrated by his actions and inactions. The ambiguity noted here, lies in two conflicting mannerisms displayed by the young Hamlet: One that is perfectly calm and rational; and another which displays madness. These conflicting behaviors are related within Hamlet's internal struggle-to kill Claudius for revenge of his fathers' murder; or act responsibly, and await further proof of Claudius' guilt. Throughout the play, Hamlet teeters on the brink of insanity induced by his actions, or inactions. Hamlet's sanity is clarified, in the first act, by statements and feelings expressed within his dialogue. When asked about his depressed appearance and demeanor by Gertrude, Hamlet replies, "Seems, madam? Nay, it is. I know not "seems" (1037, line 76). This relates the idea that Hamlet is 'what he appears to be'. Later, he clearly makes a statement about his mental health when he commits himself to avenge his father's murder. This quote allows the reader to follow Hamlet's train of thought in regards to his role as student, mourning son, and Prince to the throne: "I'll wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past That youth and observation copied there, And thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain" (1054, line 100). Hamlet is stating his utmost commitment to nothing short of revenge of his fathers' death. At this juncture in the play, there is little doubt about his state of mind, or intentions. However, the next act belies Hamlet's sanity and reason. In act two, Hamlet appears again, although it now becomes apparent he has lost the conviction he demonstrated earlier-to complete his destiny as prescribed by the ghost of his father. During this act, Hamlet spends most of his time reading and talking with Polonius, Guildenstern, Rosencrantz, and the players. Not until the very end of this second act, does Hamlet refer to his filial duty to avenge his father. Instead of carrying out the destiny described by his fathers spirit-role of the vengeful son-Hamlet exhibits insane behaviors. This is illustrated by his statements to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, "I know not-lost my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises..." (1071, line 282).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program Essay
Kudler Fine Foods is a local and upscale specialty food store with a total of four stores in La Jolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas California with their main base store in San Diego, California. Each store maintains and sells high quality bakery, pastries, fresh produce, meat, seafood, specialty condiments, packaged foods, cheeses, and dairy products. Kathy Kudler owner and founder of Kudler Fine Foods is looking to expand her company and market her products to new prospective clients, along with improving her services to her current clientele. Since the opening day of Kudler Fine Foods in June 1998 the business has become sustainable and profitable. Ten years later Kathy wants to implement a frequent shoppers program not only to reward her current loyal customer base but also to draw in new clientele. Installing a business system for this initiative would allow Kudler the ability to track purchasing patterns of individual customer’s. This would give the company a better understanding of what products are sellers and what products do not move or sell as fast. Alternatively this would give customers the opportunity to receive points from their past purchases geared toward rewards products. According to the Kudler’s sales and marketing departments research this type of system will increase revenue and cost reduction for Kudler. Kudler identifies that knowing exactly what the customers purchasing habits, supply needs, and preferences are would enable Kudler to purchase only what will be sold. Therefore, it will stop Kudler from stocking on items that do not sell and are not attractive to the customer. Kudler has different types of options on how they could advertise the new shoppers program. Because these types of programs are commonplace within any market, Kudler needs to develop a complete database system, with including current and former customers. This database is used specifically for advertising of the new program and data collection of sales. Kudler would need to update or create a new website to add this new program and help customers understand the benefits of registering for the program. Legally Kudler needs to stay within the boundaries set up for E-commerce. The rules for online business and e-mail advertisement are very far-reaching some of which include an opt-out link that allows any consumer to stop receiving e-mail advertisements. This must be easily viewable and verifiable to the recipient for online spam advertisement. Electronic contracts are legal and binding along with electronic signatures, these forms of agreements must have legal disclaimers visible for the customer to read. These are just a few of many other legal ramifications that Kudler would need to investigate and consider before moving forward. Ethical considerations are also vital to both the customers and Kudler Fine Foods when implementing the shoppers program. Any customers who register with Kudler’s shoppers program understand that all personal information given to Kudler will not be given or sold to another company without the express approval of the customer. Kudler has to take into consideration that registration online has to be implemented with the highest security software on the market. Protection of sensitive data is vital to the success of any online purchases or programs. Pornographic material and anything refereeing to pornography is prohibited by law. Breaches of contractual agreements are also considered unethical. Therefore, Kudler must have strict policy and procedures in place to alleviate any of the above issues. This would keep Kudler ethically stable and help with any other issues that will come into light. The main understanding that Kudler Fine Foods would have to embrace is that the company is fully responsible for what is placed on their website and also what they are offering to their customers as an incentive. Kudler Fine Foods has to identify within the scope of this project the development of the frequent shoppers program specific security measures. The main initiative is to secure private data and deter any unauthorized access. The main and formidable issue here is that the Frequent Shoppers Program will enable Kudler Fine Foods to still make a profit. The return on the investment with this new program has to exceed its monetary cost factor to stay viable. The stores have to identify other cost saving measures for this program to stay solvent for years to come. Keeping up to day records in a management system will also help save time and money while understanding where money is spent and where it is saved. Investing in the Shoppers program will take considerable money to start with. The long-term gain if managed properly can make Kudler Foods more lucrative in the future. Managing the marketing and advertising expenses must be a number one priority along with investing in upgrades of the website and possible market research. Concluding this program will rely on reports regarding expenditures, which should be collected over a period several prior years. This will give Kudler a baseline for future gains or losses. This will also let Kudler Fine Foods see if the program is profitable from each succeeding year. Gains and losses, extreme scrutiny and constant tweaking of the program its website and security infrastructure will have to be made in order for this program to be a success. Reference Apollo Group, I. (2007, 2010, 2011). Kudler Fine Foods. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from Sales and Marketing:
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Why Significant Changes Were Made to the Plot
Why Significant Changes Were Made to the Plot in The Big Sleep Movie After reading the novel â€Å"The Big Sleep†by Raymond Chandler, then watching the 1946 movie version starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, I found myself asking why are there so many changes to the plot in this movie as compared to the novel. Many significant pieces of the plot were drastically different and there were even certain scenes that had been made up for the movie that were never in the book. After doing some research I was able to come up with many reasons for these significant changes.Some of the main reasons for there being significant changes is the Hays Code which was a code of rules that all movies were to follow, as well as the chemistry that Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall had together. Many of the changes in the movie version of â€Å"The Big Sleep†can be credited to the Hays Code. The Hays Code was a set of rules that movies were to follow. Will H. Hays was not the creato r of this code however he was the first person to be in charge of enforcing it therefore his name became attached to it (TV Tropes).Some smaller changes the Hays Code affected are the dealings that go on at Geiger's Book Store as well as Geiger's love interest. In the novel we are told that the book store is actually a front for a pornography store. We are also told in the novel that Arthur Geiger is gay and has a male partner. In the Hays Code it is stated that â€Å"The sanctity of the institution of marriage and the home shall be upheld. Pictures shall not infer that low forms of sex relationship are the accepted or common thing. (Arts Reformation). Given this the writers of the screenplay were forced to leave out the fact that the book store was actually a front for a pornographic store. As for the fact that Arthur Geiger was gay and had a male partner, it is stated in the Hays Code that â€Å"Sex perversion or any inference to it is forbidden. †(Arts Reformation). Alth ough a homosexual couple is more widely accepted nowadays, back in the time of the Hays Code it was considered perverse (TV Tropes) and had to be taken out of the movie.Two more significant changes that were made to the plot were both of the scenes where Carmen Sternwood was found naked. In the novel when Marlowe goes to Geiger's house he finds Carmen naked in a chair and drugged up. In the movie she has only been drugged, her clothes remain on. The other time that Carmen Sternwood was found naked in the novel was when she was waiting for Marlowe to come home and she was naked in his bed. In the film she is simply sitting in his room waiting for him fully clothed.Both of these changes can be attributed to the Hays Code. A rule in the Hays Code states â€Å"Complete nudity is never permitted. This includes nudity in fact or in silhouette, or any lecherous or licentious notice thereof by other characters in the picture. †(Arts Reformation). Since the filmmakers were not allowe d to show nudity they were forced to change the plot which also lead to the photos of Carmen Sternwood that were used to blackmail her not being nude photos of her. A huge change that is made to the plot of the story is how the movie ends.In the book the climactic scene is where Marlowe is being held at gunpoint by Carmen Sternwood. This is also where Marlowe realizes that Carmen was the murderer. A rule about crime in Hays Code states â€Å"Crimes against the law: These shall never be presented in such a way as to throw sympathy with the crime as against law and justice or to inspire others with a desire for imitation. †(Arts Reformation). If Carmen Sternwood had been the murderer then this would have made Marlowe's love interest, Vivian Rutledge, an accessory to murder (Wikipedia).If Vivian were an accessory to murder she would be committing a crime but the audience may feel sympathy for her since she is in love with the main character. Because of this the writers of the s creenplay had to change this. By changing the ending of the movie to having Eddie Mars be killed the writers also solve another conflict with the Hays Code. In the novel Eddie Mars does not actually kill anyone however he was the one who made the murders happen so he was in fact a very bad man who had committed serious crimes.At the end of the novel Eddie Mars does not come to justice for his crimes. Since the Hays Codes doesn't allow crime to be presented in a way that it will inspire others with a desire for imitation (Arts Reformation), Eddie Mars had to be brought to justice. If people had seen the movie and saw that Eddie Mars had been a murderer and gotten away with it, it could inspire them to imitate him. This is why the writers had to change what happens to Eddie Mars.A very significant change made to the plot, which is more of an addition to the plot than anything is the fact that Marlowe and Vivian Rutledge have a love interest. In the film Marlowe lets the reader know ma ny times that he is not fond of women. Because of this love interest many scenes were added to the film in which Marlowe and Vivian have conversations of the sexual nature. Before â€Å"The Big Sleep†movie was made both Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall had starred in a movie called â€Å"To Have and Have Not†.This film had a great success with their scenes together and this made the filmmakers want to add more scenes between the two (William Ahearn). When it comes down to it, making Marlowe and Bacall have a relationship is just adding a Hollywood perspective on a novel. Many changes were made to the plot in â€Å"The Big Sleep†film. But none of them were made without reason. The Hays Code limited filmmakers to what they could put into movies and changes were made so that the film would be more appealing to the general public.Works Cited – Ahearn, William. â€Å"The Big Sleep (1946)†2008. November 2012. http://www. williamahearn. com/bs1945. ht ml – â€Å"The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code)†. Arts Reformation. April 2006. November 2012. http://www. artsreformation. com/a001/hays-code. html – â€Å"The Big Sleep (1946 Film)†. Wikipedia. November 15 2012. November 23 2012. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Big_Sleep_(1946_film)#Cast -â€Å"Hays Code†. TV Tropes. November 2012. http://tvtropes. org/pmwiki/pmwiki. php/Main/HaysCode
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