Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Globalization-International Conferences on Business and Essay
Business Globalization-International Conferences on Business and Culture - Essay Example Correspondences issues in relationships of Japanese ladies and American men emerged in view of lacking cultural assimilation of Japanese ladies. The emergency in their relationships begins when their children are grown up and recognize themselves with American qualities and conduct standards. American and Japanese correspondences styles contrast essentially as Americans are progressively clear while, Japanese incline toward understanding sentiments of one another. Along these lines, Americans are increasingly expressive though, Japanese don't communicate their sentiments and they expect that other individual will comprehend emotions from unobtrusive things. In addition, critical social contrasts, strict contrasts and language boundaries additionally make issues in the relations between U.S. what's more, Japanese relationships. In a board conversation on â€Å"Japanese Religion as Local Culture and its Global Relevance†, all board individuals shared their experience when they in Japan. In the conversation, the foundation of Association of Sacred destinations of Shinto and Buddhism in 2008 was considered as a helpful connection between the two customs. The focal point of conversation was on parts of Japanese religion, Buddhism and Judaism in Japan. It has been featured by the entirety of the board individuals that Japanese have solid strict convictions and the majority of the occasions Americans get flabbergasted about supernatural occurrences which are regular things for Japanese. Like Japan other Asian nations are additionally nature-arranged and they accept that they gain from nature. Individuals in Japan accept that faculties are activities to be conscious and everything has an actual existence source. They have a solid conviction that God exists in the distance, yet God is inside us and even all people are unique however they have been made by an option that could be more noteworthy than that. In the conversation on Social Justice and Global Strategies, internationalization and globalization were examined. The fundamental focal point of conversation was on the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pay For Essay
Pay For Essay Pay For Essay Pay For Essay: Why Should I Do This? As an understudy proceeds with his way through the various degrees of instruction increasingly more is normal from his work. There lies a lot of contrast between the sort of papers understudies write in secondary school and the thoughtful that is anticipated from them in the last years. With consistently you must be increasingly determined, progressively capable and increasingly persevering. That is the reason papers and papers understudy write in school contrast such a great amount from the works they need to grow later. A decent secondary school exposition contains a couple of fundamental prerequisites, for example, a theme sentence, in the first place, starting passage, trailed by the supporting section and end, obviously, it cannot abandon an information on language and writing. That is the reason paper purchase is an open door for an understudy to be a brilliantly composed exposition and get it fit as a fiddle. Pay For Essay: Few Reasons A paper composed by a specialist resembles a model answer from your mentor, or a diary article from the library. It gives you access to key data, which will assist you with writing your own exposition. Pay for article and this will spare your hours. There is no compelling reason to glance through endless books and diaries exploring pertinent data. Proficient essayists will furnish you with this. Purchasing a custom exposition, kept in touch with a standard above what you as of now accomplish will assist you with getting a vibe for an extraordinary structure and organization. In this way, let us be down to earth. Only one out of every odd great understudy could be a decent essayist. Not every person has particular talent with pen and paper. A few people discover it very hard to communicate different point in a reasonable and delegate way. That is the place custom exposition assist will with helping you. Pay For Essay Written By Professionals On the off chance that you pay for article from an expert organization you can be certain will get a perfectly composed work that will fill every one of your cutoff times. You just need to give your unmistakable details and expert journalists will do the whole occupation as indicated by your necessities. As a matter of fact, the way toward composing isn't simple, that is the reason from the quantity of specialists great organizations select authors who will have all fundamental information and composing experience precisely in your field. In this way, pay for exposition and have it composed on the expert level. You can put a solicitation for a compensation paper and we will compose your exposition without any preparation: In the event that you need an expert assistance in your exposition composing, become our customer and you will get an expert assistance short-term! Peruse too: Case of a Term Paper Socialism Paper Philosophy Term Science Term Paper APA Style Term Paper 3,000 Words Term Paper SFU
Friday, August 21, 2020
Hartford meeting wrap-up
Hartford meeting wrap-up I conducted my first of ten meetings this fall in Hartford this week. I think the meeting went quite well; the ~250 people in attendance seemed to find the session helpful and informative. I did get one question during the Q A section that had me flummoxed. A young man in the front row asked me what else you could do in labs besides classes and UROP. At the time I was trying to answer the question, I wasnt thinking outside the box, and basically responded, what else is there? Only after the meeting did it occur to me that he could have been asking about some of our exciting activities. In the spirit of better late than never, here is a more full answer to that question: In addition to lab classes and the opportunity to do real research through UROP, MIT also has a number of exciting activities that provide hands-on opportunities. They include, among many others: MIT Motorsports / Formula SAE: As the team says, if you are an MIT student that likes to build things for fun, enjoys racing, or wants to learn a lot about the design and fabrication of complex machinery, then you may want to join the MIT Formula SAE team (check out their promo video [WMV, 3.7MB]). In FSAE, college teams design, build and race formula-style racing cars. Solar Electric Vehicle Team: In the 2005 World Solar Challenge, the MIT vehicle crashed in the qualifying round, irreparably damaging 40% of its solar array, and yet still the MIT team was able to finish in sixth place. Want to help the team finally be the best solar car team in the world? (Or maybe youd be more interested in the time the team had trouble with the police?) Tech Model Railroad Club: The original home of hacker culture, these guys designed the very first computer game, Spacewar. Over the 50-year history of TMRC, theyve gone well beyond trains in their innovations. Student Shops: The Hobby Shop and Edgerton Center shop provide many awesome tools, including a water jet cutter, CNC lathes, metal lathes, wood lathes, bandsaws, table saws, radial arm saws, milling machines, and much more. Also, a number of dorms and houses maintain their own shops. Design for Change: DfC does science and engineering for developing countries. One of a number of programs in MITs International Development Initiative, DfC is a student-run group which has worked on projects for Ghana, India, and Lesotho, with more to come. Of course, this is just a sampling of groups at MIT, and dont forget that a lot of the cool hands-on work isnt done with a formal organization [ref: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.]. Anyway, I dont know if you read my blog, anonymous-question-asking-young-man, but if you do, I hope this helps clarify things a bit. Next up: Sacramento, California.
Hartford meeting wrap-up
Hartford meeting wrap-up I conducted my first of ten meetings this fall in Hartford this week. I think the meeting went quite well; the ~250 people in attendance seemed to find the session helpful and informative. I did get one question during the Q A section that had me flummoxed. A young man in the front row asked me what else you could do in labs besides classes and UROP. At the time I was trying to answer the question, I wasnt thinking outside the box, and basically responded, what else is there? Only after the meeting did it occur to me that he could have been asking about some of our exciting activities. In the spirit of better late than never, here is a more full answer to that question: In addition to lab classes and the opportunity to do real research through UROP, MIT also has a number of exciting activities that provide hands-on opportunities. They include, among many others: MIT Motorsports / Formula SAE: As the team says, if you are an MIT student that likes to build things for fun, enjoys racing, or wants to learn a lot about the design and fabrication of complex machinery, then you may want to join the MIT Formula SAE team (check out their promo video [WMV, 3.7MB]). In FSAE, college teams design, build and race formula-style racing cars. Solar Electric Vehicle Team: In the 2005 World Solar Challenge, the MIT vehicle crashed in the qualifying round, irreparably damaging 40% of its solar array, and yet still the MIT team was able to finish in sixth place. Want to help the team finally be the best solar car team in the world? (Or maybe youd be more interested in the time the team had trouble with the police?) Tech Model Railroad Club: The original home of hacker culture, these guys designed the very first computer game, Spacewar. Over the 50-year history of TMRC, theyve gone well beyond trains in their innovations. Student Shops: The Hobby Shop and Edgerton Center shop provide many awesome tools, including a water jet cutter, CNC lathes, metal lathes, wood lathes, bandsaws, table saws, radial arm saws, milling machines, and much more. Also, a number of dorms and houses maintain their own shops. Design for Change: DfC does science and engineering for developing countries. One of a number of programs in MITs International Development Initiative, DfC is a student-run group which has worked on projects for Ghana, India, and Lesotho, with more to come. Of course, this is just a sampling of groups at MIT, and dont forget that a lot of the cool hands-on work isnt done with a formal organization [ref: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.]. Anyway, I dont know if you read my blog, anonymous-question-asking-young-man, but if you do, I hope this helps clarify things a bit. Next up: Sacramento, California.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Narrative Of Frederick Douglass, The Souls Of Black Folks
Education has long been at the core of every African American story. Historically, this ideal represented freedom and empowerment and at the same time, fought against white oppression, segregation, and enslavement. Education in every African American experience denotes a haunting yet positive connotation and vestiges of its impact can still seen in our contemporary lives. Through this essay, we explore the how education affected both slaves and whites alike and how the controversy of education carried onto the present. This interplay between education, blacks, and whites can be seen in a variety of African American literature, including The Narrative of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass, The Souls of Black Folks by W.E.B†¦show more content†¦Although this passage provides a less direct approach in addressing the power of education, the text still contains critical information about the complex legacy of slavery. Malcolm notes the destruction of slave history through brainwashing African Americans themselves has been an effective way of enforcing white privilege. Similarly, DuBois articulates the â€Å"bright ideals of the past..†were not wrong but â€Å"over-simple and incomplete, - the fond imaginings of the other world which does not know and does not want to know our power.†Both DuBois and Malcolm emphasize on a hidden part of a grand story that has been lost to the degradation of black culture and the rise of white privilege. The fear that the knowledge will hold too much power, too much information fueled the common incentive to keep these slaves ignorant. In both Undone and Douglass’s narrative, the author enunciates the relationship between social status and education, most literally in Undone. The woman levitating high above the floor epitomizes her high position in society. We also notice bottles clinging to a shriveled plant. A common symbol associated with a bottle is protection. For this piece, the bottles seem to symbolize whites, as compared to the slaves, whom are constantly being protected and much cared for. The bottles hanging onto the plant depicts whites at the mercy of this aspiring African American woman. This very sculpture equatesShow MoreRelatedThe Identity Of African Americans1758 Words  | 8 Pagesculture. Race is portrayed through the narratives such as The life of Frederick Douglas by Frederick Douglass and the Autobiography of an Ex-colored man by James Weldon Johnson. In both the narratives, they state they are slaves due their race. First, this idea is supported in the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass when he states in the preface, â€Å"he was a slave â€Å"too (Douglass 325). From the beginning Douglass has started with his identity â€Å"Douglass, in his old age, still bravely stoodRead MoreThe Hypocrisy of American Slavery, Through the Eyes of Frederick Douglass1587 Words  | 7 PagesThe Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself is a powerful book in many respects. Douglass invites you to vicariously witness the monstrous atrocities he experienced during the antebellum period; a time when said atrocities were not only encouraged, but looked highly upon. Throughout his narrative, Douglass expresses his exponentially growing anger and fortitude. When the reader arrives at The Appendix, it soon becomes that much more apparent that theRead MoreThe Life Of Frederick Douglass, Web Dubois, And Booker T Washington1323 Words  | 6 Pagesfor these African Americans of the 19th and 20th centuries is to combine the ideas of great African American leaders like Frederick Douglass, WEB DuBois, and Booker T Washington. The optimal path to freedom for the subjected people is to become educated, to value themselves, working hard, and proving to oppressors that they are equal. DOUGLASS AND EDUCATION YO: Frederick Douglass was an extremely influential abolitionist in the 19th century. As an escaped slave, he had firsthand experience with theRead MoreNature And Nature Of Frederick Douglass1529 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen with Frederick Douglass even on his journey throughout his life. Nature lived amongst the other slaves as well. When being a slave at a plantation or being owned period, you become familiar with nature; if it is picking cotton, â€Å"tobacco, corn, and wheat†(Douglass 22) or if it is learning how to steer ox’s or learning how to drive a boat. Nature is with everything we do; nature is everything anyway because we are nature. We are just part of the huge spectrum of nature. Frederick Douglass was putRead MoreEssay about Dehumanization of Humanity1341 Words  | 6 Pagesdehumanize humanity. While most slaves experienced the dehumanization that slavery thrust upon them, every slave experienced it in a unique and individual fash ion. For Fredrick Douglass the dehumanization occurred in a physical fashion, whereas Harriet Jacobs’s objectification was through mental oppression. Fredrick Douglass always was a slave since the day he was born. While his entrapment began in a somewhat mild way with basic chores and tasks being assigned to him, he had the responsibilitiesRead MoreThe First Sign Of True Power Of Education Essay860 Words  | 4 Pageswork force (Historical TImeline web). It is my opinion that this was the first sign of true power of education. As the year progressed forward we see again in the 1830’s that education is held from a certain group of people, those who were slaves. Frederick Douglas shared in his biography of the great struggle he had to endure to become educated. Much of his education was self education, because the white people of that time were forbidden to teach those who were thought of as less. Douglas shares,Read MoreThe Emergence Of The United States As An Independent Country, And African American Literature Essay1769 Words  | 8 PagesAfrican -American history predated the emergence of the United States as an in dependent country, and African – American literature was similarly in deep roots. Jupiter Hammon who was considered as the first published Black writer in America. In 1761, he published his first poem named â€Å"An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ with Penitential Cries†. Through his poem, he implemented the idea of a gradual emancipation as a way to end slavery. His idea was later reprinted in some works such as â€Å"Le Mulatre†Read MoreThe Harlem Renaissance and Slave Narratives1431 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferent in the slave narratives and in the Harlem Renaissance. No matter of their differences in knowledge and power both the Harlem Renaissance writers and slave narratives showed the will for a better life and hope for the future, which they hoped to make better. Writers like Langston Hughes who were from the Harlem renaissance and were educated writers wrote poems like â€Å"I, Too†which talks about how the black man shall one day sit on the dinner table with the white folks, even though they haveRead More African American Culture through Oral Tradition Essays3405 Words  | 14 Pagesbelieved that they were keeping their slaves in ignorance so that they could neither rebel nor escape. They were greatly mistaken for many slaves would make use of their songs and stories to educate their people, and enlighten their minds and free their souls. For example the slave spirituals which they sang were a means with which they could communicate feelings of discontent and of homelessness and exile. However, not all their songs were of disparit y and loss. They also sang songs expressing love, joyRead MoreMy Bondage And My Freedom By Frederick Douglass1885 Words  | 8 PagesThe autobiography My Bondage and My Freedom, by Frederick Douglass, illustrates the life and the journey of a born slave in Maryland, into liberation and the gradual understanding of slavery’s inconsistencies in general. He tell his story the public sphere, white non slaveholders, in hopes of helping them gain a better understanding of what slavery truly is from a first hand perspective. It starts off with a realization that he, his grandmother, and everyone around him belonged to someone named â€Å"old
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The 5 Love Languages The Secret Of Love - 1834 Words
Introduction Dr. Gary Chapman is the author of the book entitled, The 5 love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts. Dr. Chapman’s expertise in marriage started from his own life experiences between him and his wife Karolyn, whom which he has been married to for 45 years. In addition, he has over 45 years of pastoring and marriage counseling, which led him to publish this book along with other series (Gary Chapman, n.d.). The purpose of this book is to identify the different love languages that individuals may speak to one another. In addition to this, we as individuals must develop effective love communication to further understand our spouses. The love language between our spouses and ourselves may differ. Therefore, we must be†¦show more content†¦An example of words of affirmation is, â€Å"your dress looks good on you, your beautiful†. Also, using encouraging words can be used to help you establish a healthy relationship with your spouse. We should be cautious that our encouraging words do not turn into pressures for something we want. Our encouraging words can sometime be perceived as rejection instead of an act of love. The words we use should further develop and push the interests that our partner already has. Evidence from the text, to support this point comes from a situation involving Allison. Allison’s husband encouraged her to submit her articles to magazines, after being rejected for her writings in the past. By him reading her articles and encouraging her gave her the strength to submit her new work to magazines. A few years later, Allison has a many articles that have been published in magazines and a book contract (Chapman, 2015). It took the words of encouragement from her husband to a take an initiative towards her career. In my opinion, the strengths behind the words of affirmative is that it gives your significant other encouragement, to accomplish things in which they are insecure about. In my opinion, a potential pro blem for words of affirmation is that the encouraging words can turn into your own needs. Also, a problem could be that words of encouragement may not be your primary love language, making it difficult for you to speak it. In relation to a conceptShow MoreRelatedThe Book The 5 Love Languages By Gary Chapman1279 Words  | 6 Pagesbook â€Å"The 5 Love Languages, The Secret to Love That Lasts†by Gary Chapman essentially says that once the obsession of â€Å"falling in love†wears off, if you understand your partner’s â€Å"love language†, and they know yours, you can build a relationship where both of you feel you are loved. The 5 languages suggested are all actions that I believe many people already perform to show love, however he shows, through various clinical examples, that not everyone interprets the actions as acts of love. He impliedRead MoreEssay on Maya Angelou1185 Words  | 5 PagesIn a Time does reveal Angelous ambivalence to love? Angelou describes her feelings in everything she writes, and one thematic element Angelou uses, is the theme of antithesis. For example, in the poem, Artful Pose this thematic element is obvious. In the lines, in their delights some poets sing their melodies tendering my nights [...] (3-5) words such as, melodies delights and hateful wrath seem to show Maya contrasting the theme of love and of hate, diverging feelings that mirror whatsRead MoreThe Five Love Languages1011 Words  | 5 PagesMarch 13, 2012 The Five Love Languages With the divorce rate at over fifty percent, what can be done to keep love alive? What is the secret to a happy marriage? These are questions that Gary Chapman explores and defines in The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate. If couples are to communicate effectively with each other they must learn the language with whom they want to communicate. This book explores the five emotional love languages and the way couples speakRead MoreThe 5 Love Languages Essay1407 Words  | 6 PagesT’aime or â€Å"I Love You†? They say that French is the most romantic language of all, but after reading Gary Chapman’s bestselling book, The 5 Love Languages, I would have to disagree. This international bestseller written by the director of Marriage and Family Life Consultants, Inc. has revived the love in millions of marriages around the world by uncovering the five specific languages that successful couples use to communicate their love for one another. These couples share a priceless love due to theirRead MoreSonnet XVII, by Pablo Neruda Essay examples1180 Words  | 5 Pagesof â€Å"Sonnet XVII†An analysis of Pablo Neruda’s â€Å"Sonnet XVII,†from the book 100 Love Sonnets: Cien sonetos de amor, reveals the emotions of the experience of eternal, unconditional love. Neruda portrays this in his words by using imagery and metaphors to describe love in relation to beauty and darkness. The poem also depicts the intimacy between two people. I believe the intent of the poem is to show that true love for another abolishes all logic, leaving one completely exposed, captivated, andRead MoreEssay on Fate in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet1096 Words  | 5 Pagesof fate plays an important role in the play. The themes of conflict, love, revenge, religion destiny all tie in with the role of fate. Romeo Juliet were both born into and â€Å"ancient grudge†fuelled by two formidable families, the Capulets and Montagues. Fate plays a very important role in the play, and at the end of the play we come to the tragic deaths of Romeo Juliet. During Act 1, scene 5, illustrations of death are prompted by fate; Juliet seems to know whatRead MoreThe Sitcom, Everybody Loves Raymond1724 Words  | 7 Pages In the sitcom, Everybody Loves Raymond, airing on CBS in the late 90’s and early 2000’s we see an nuclear white family with two parents, two kids, grandparents, and a set of other relatives. The target audience appears to be within the age of 18-35 for this time period in comparison to other shows such as Frazier or Will and Grace. The family is very middle class oriented as far as the home, clothing, and jobs of the characters go. They live in the suburbs and are never too hurt for money. PlayingRead MoreSuji Kwock Kims Monologue for an Onion1021 Words  | 5 Pagespoet chose to make an onion talk, others would suggest that the poem involved humor. But instead, people could recognize distress behind the onions voice and hurt behind the person who the onion was addressing. The distinctiveness of style and language represented in the poem are what identify the sorrowful and aggressive tone. From the opening of the poem we learn that the onion is pleading with someone to stop cutting him into pieces. The onion says â€Å"I don’t mean to make you cry. /I mean nothingRead MoreWhen We Two Parted By Lord Byron880 Words  | 4 Pagespoem â€Å"When We Two Parted†by Lord Byron, a tale is told of a couple separating and the sorrowful and broken heartedness that followed for only one of the party. The overall theme of the poem, the pain of love lost, is shown through many aspects such as tone, rhyme and meter, and figurative language. Lord Byron starts off his poem â€Å"When We Two Parted†with the lines â€Å"When we two parted/ In silence and tears†(1-2). The tone is immediately set as being sorrowful and grieving knowing the context of aRead MoreThe Bridge Of San Luis Rey1254 Words  | 6 PagesThornton Wilder, is a study of love. After five lives are lost on the mysterious collapse of a peruvian bridge, the reader follows the story of each of them. The narrator examines how each victim s life was motivated by, and destroyed by the multifaceted nature of love. Love, above all else, is what binds people together. The first life explored in the novel is that of the Marquesa. The Marquesa, who lived her entire life without being loved in return, was desperate for love at the birth of her daughter
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance of Best Term Paper Writing Services Review
The Importance of Best Term Paper Writing Services Review As clarified before the standard of papers is the very first important point that produces the best internet essay writing service. Such paper isn't a combination of random suggestions and sentences, and, therefore it really wants a topic. To compose adequate paper first thing you've got to do is to choose an ideal topic and be creative as much as possible. There's one particular answer to your research paper problems. The data of the company papers should thus be shown in the acceptable way. Which means when their work is handed through translation software, even if it's technically a superb paper, numerous the sentence construction may be odd. The book reports have a particular format of documentation that's widely adopted for most kinds of books. In addition, services including Overleaf make it effortless to utilize LaTeX. All About Best Term Paper Writing Services Review The company provides a straightforward approach to ensuring that clients get the very best. Our company stipulates an individual utilizing original and even higher high quality papers. It offers you the best and affordable guidance to fulfill your academic needs. A superb paper writing company can be hard to find since there are many businesses. The War Against Best Term Paper Writing Services Review In addition, editing services are a lot less costly than custom sample writing. Internet, which is a much more affordable source of information, provides a broad range of research material, but there is no assurance of its accuracy or authenticity. The writer should collect data from all possible sources possible to be certain that all of the info required is obtained. Hiring reliable essay writers offer a number of benefits and advantages. What You Don't Know About Best Term Paper Writing Services Review Undeniably, during your search you've been searching for the very best essay writing company, where it is pos sible to order splendidly written materials. On the web, you will see quite a bit of paper writing services review sites. If your article succeeds in doing this, then its likely the reader will be considering going to your site to discover what else you might have to offer you. There are more than a few places wherever your articles can be posted. Writing a white paper isn't simple, but it may be a wonderful approach to stand. Main body The principal body of the research or thesis paper is going to have the principal content. You've been using different services to acquire all of your research and thesis papers done. Writing research papers has turned into a challenging undertaking. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Walt Disney Case study free essay sample
Walt Disney’s corporate strategy is to continue to grow internationally and to continue to grow in their media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products, and interactive media. 2) I think the parks and resorts will only get more attractive with every new park they open. The media networks will stay attractive because of how many networks they have and how many people watch shows on their networks. Studio entertainment will probably be in the middle of attractive and unattractive. Unattractive because going to see a movie is getting more and more expensive for the price conciseness consumer and attractive because they will eventually rent the movie to see it. I think consumer products will tend to be attractive because everyone who visits a park is going to want a souvenir of some kind. I think the interactive media is going to be unattractive unless they can figure out a way to get more sales and grow their products. We will write a custom essay sample on Walt Disney Case study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 3) I think that Walt Disney has great competitive strength. For one, there is nothing else out there like them with such strong brand loyalty. Almost everyone knows who Mickey Mouse is and ties that with Disneyland and everything else they are associated with. The only business unit that seems to need fixing is their interactive media. In order for the interactive media to have a competitive spot in the market they need to keep up with the seasonal video game industry. 4) For the parks and resorts the 9-cell matrix is that it is very attractive because there is nothing else like their parks and it’s got great competitive strength. Media networks also have a very high attractiveness level because of all of the networks they own like ESPN and Disney channel itself. It also has a high competitive level because of how many networks they own. Interactive media is semi low attractiveness because they have received losses almost every year and can’t seem to keep up with the seasonal video games. Its business strength is also semi low because there is more they can do or try to do to gain a competitive advantage. According to the article studio entrainment doesn’t have a high attractiveness level until it reaches DVD form. It also has mild business strength because people aren’t willing to go see it in theaters and are instead waiting for it on DVD or on-demand. I would say the consumer attractiveness is in the middle because they were the largest licensor of character-based merchandise in the world. I would also say they have medium business strength because they are making more money off licensing and publishing then retail sales. 5) I think that Walt Disney’s portfolio exhibits good strategic fit. I think it’s a good fit because they are constantly building a competitive advantage and overpower rivals. I can see opportunities for brand sharing because they already are sharing. For example they own only 42. 1 percent of AE and Lifetime. They are also highly branded by their characters that everyone knows and the characters have been able to bring in revenue ever since being introduced. 6) Walt Disney’s revenues have continued to go up from year to year. As with the revenue net income and earnings per share have continued to go up as well. The interactive media unit is the only unit that brings in an operating loss. Operating income from the media networks is the highest of them all, which helps contribute to good income coming in. The second highest operating income is parks and resorts with consumer products next, then studio entertainment. Based on the 2011 data Disney needs to work on the interactive media unit to help them recover from their losses. 7) I think they need to come up with a better strategy for their interactive media unit. They have incurred operating losses for fiscal year 2009 through 2011. I think they need to keep up with consumer demands on what types of games they are interested in and make games for consoles that most people these days have like playstation and xbox if they don’t already. They might also think about seeking help from big game makers.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Pornography Essays (2564 words) - Pornography,
Pornography Pornography, otherwise defined as vulgarity and obscenity, is an issue that has and will continue to call upon much debate. While there are many people who see pornography as degrading, sinful, and disgusting, there is also a large amount of people who see it as a turn on, a form of sexual expression, and entertainment. Websters Dictionary defined pornography as merely the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement. Yet there is still the everlasting question which is does pornography serve a real purpose, and if so what purpose it that? continues. I happen to acknowledge pornography with only a few minor glitches. I dont believe in cens oring pornography, yet analyzing pornography that is already censored. Pornography is censored in the way in which it portrays the sexual desires and pleasures of women. In preparing to write this report, I sat down with a group of my peers (mixed genders) and watched five pornographic films. It was unfortunate that I must report that in all of the five movies, not once did I, nor any of my friends see a woman being sexually gratified. In every movie, the man would finish and the sex would come to an end. The women seemed like they were enjoying it, but were they really? As Andrea Dworkin describes it, women are made to smile, women arent just made to do the sex acts. We are made to smile. (Stan, 33) Pornography claims that it is showing two people enjoying sex. Two people who have chosen to be there and who get pleasure out of it. However, to me it seems that pornography itself is buying into censorship. BY not honestly showing the female side to sexual desires and pleasure, pornography is in itself being censored. It is not the act of sex and sexual promiscuity that I find offensive at all about the industry. It is actually the masking of an entire genders sexual likes and dislikes that I find offensive. The message this is sending out is that women enjoy having sex with a man until the man is finished, and then there is no need to continue till the woman is also sexually indebted. The issue of censorship and pornography is split into two parts. There are the people fighting to censor pornography by banning it, and we have people that argue that by banning pornography, the consequences would proceed to be an infringement on their rights to free speech and equality. What I believe is that both of these issues are brought about in the wrong way. The group that is arguing to ban pornography all together is using their freedom of speech to ban someone elses. I find it hypocritical and unjust. At the same time, however, the pro-pornography group is also being duplicitous in the sense that they are claiming to fight against censorship, when they themselves are defending something that is already censored. From a womans perspective, there is a significant amount of dispute surrounding the porn industry. The anti-pornography feminists were interested in making the streets safe for women by means of punitive and far reaching legislation against pornography (Schwartz s rights. I think that these women are being exposed to things that no one would want to be exposed to. They are battered and beaten in front of cameras, with their things hanging out all over the place. Said Mrs. McManus, who lives next door to me. She is an ultra conservative woman who fully disagrees with the mere prospect of porn. Another argument on the behalf of the feminists says that men exposed to sexually explicit material and entertainment were likely to become sexual victimizers. (Schwartz & Rutter p. 181) It is believed that those in favor of banning pornography feel no support from the government. Those law makers are doing nothing to help get rid of that smut that is going around. Cant they see that this
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Death of the Salesman American Dream Research Paper Example
Death of the Salesman American Dream Research Paper Example Death of the Salesman American Dream Paper Death of the Salesman American Dream Paper Essay Topic: Death Of a Salesman American Dream Written by Arthur Miller and a classic play of American theatre, Death Of A Salesman is a great book about how Willy Loman, a travelling salesman who has been working for thirty-four years, strives to become a successful man in America. However, Willy interpreted successful as what he considers as the â€Å"American Dreambeing â€Å"well-liked†and â€Å"attractive†, which he took too seriously and in end led to his tragic death. Always clinging onto his dream, Willy has lived in his own illusions throughout his whole life. Even more unfortunate, his son Biff has been living under his shadows and ended up as failure. Having an American Dream may not be a bad motivation for life, but Willy held on to this dream as if it was everything. An example from the book is when Biff realizes that his fathers’ many mistakes, they both get into an argument, which is also the climax of the play. During the argument, Biff asked his father, â€Å"Will you take that phony dream and burn it before something happens? This clearly shows that Willy is deeply possessed by his dream. As the play goes further on, Willy even wanted to die to show Biff that his â€Å"attendance at the funeral†will show how popular he was. His belief of worth â€Å"being dead than alive†finally led to his tragic death, also leaving his family in a bad condition. From the above two examples, it can be shown that the American Dream has blinded Willy. Only letting him realize the disparity between the dream and reality, and p utting on pressure for the poor man to commit suicide.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Every healthcare facilty should utilize the electronic medication Essay
Every healthcare facilty should utilize the electronic medication administrtion record to help reduce medication errors - Essay Example This system is an electronic record of resident patient medication, thus improving efficiency and reducing human-based errors. The Electronic Medication Administration Record The Electronic Medication Administration Record (EMAR) is a technology system supported by enhanced computerized systems that allow for more efficient ordering and dosing of patient/resident medications in the hospital and other clinical environments. The EMAR system is implemented in health care facilities to improve interaction between patients and nurses, the physician staff, and also to reduce errors. Additionally, EMAR systems are designed to replace traditional paper systems for similar activities related to medication, thus improving costs for the organization by changing the dynamics of inter-office activities. The Institute of Medicine provides statistics regarding medication errors that continue to contribute to hospital liability claims. According to the Institute, more than a million injuries and nea rly 100,000 deaths occur annually due to errors (Hook, Pearlstein, Samarth & Cusack, 2008). Errors that occur are costly to the hospital and, in the long-term, raise prices for other patients when hospitals are forced to increase the costs of health care service in order to pay ongoing liability claims. Because of these high statistics, the need for improving the medication dosing and ordering systems are necessary. From a marketing perspective, hospitals that raise prices too extensively will lose patient business. When coupled with negative publicity from a hospital or other health care facility that faces liability suits in the court system, it is likely that patients will avoid this facility in favor of another. More Advantages of EMAR As identified, the electronic medication administration record provides for a paperless environment. This improves efficiency and also reduces the costs of office supplies and other important forms from a supply chain perspective. However, the mor e important benefit of EMAR is the ability to share medicinal data with internal sources and external partners in a method that is efficient, safe to security from an IT perspective, and improve the efficiency of the entire health network. This information can be shared via electronic data exchange with ambulance services, patients and health network payers (Garets & Davis, 2006). Currently, interactive communications with health network payers or the use of complicated forms are necessary to achieve results. With the EMAR, such transactions can occur instantly in the virtual environment, thereby improving efficiency in this process. The ability to share this data with ambulance services also provides a new training opportunity and improves the instantaneous knowledge of patient medical records in a real-time service environment. Ambulatory systems can understand whether any potential interactions might occur when they are providing trauma or other services en route to the hospital. It is an ideal model for improving communications between off-site service personnel and the hospital environment. A recent study identified frustrations with nurses that occur because of inefficiency in the workplace. â€Å"They want technology to reduce demand on nursing time by eliminating waste in care resulting from inefficient workflowâ€
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Evidence Based Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Evidence Based Medicine - Essay Example They point out that the journals have a scholarly rather than practical approach to solving clinical matters at hand, (Department of Medical Sociology, 1998). With the aim of exploring the barriers that GPs face in the implementation of EBM in routine clinical work and identifying possible strategies in its integration in daily work; studies have been carried out to explore this phenomenon in various parts of the world. One such study was carried out by Kenneth S Yew (MD) and Alfred Reid (MA) from the Uniformed Services University and The University of North Carolina respectively, (Physicians for the twenty-first century, 1984). They held focus group discussions with 10 General Practitioners (GPs) in public and private practice in the randomly selected from Charlotte and its environs. The aim was to find out the long term effects of teaching Critical Appraisal and Evidence Based Medicine on practicing physicians. Their goal was to explore ways in which the long-term outcomes of an integrated CA/EMB curriculum could be evaluated using a qualitative analysis of self-reported use of the two skills in everyday medical practice. Their secondary goal was to find out barriers to CA/EMB application. Reinhold Wentz has estimated that 50,000 physicians, students and health care workers receive training each year, Wentz R. (2001). P Participants mentioned that they had found the approach they used in residency was still helpful to them in situations that they faced as full time GPs, but only in circumstances that allowed them to search and reflect. However, where they immediately had patients to deal with, they preferred to rely on their own intuition and experience. A good number of them expressed guilt that they were not applying the EBM methods even though they were fully aware of how useful these were. Consequently, when it came to the question of barriers, almost all those interviewed were unanimous that time was the main culprit. Some pointed out that where they had to choose between attending to patients and making references, they often found themselves opting for the former. About 30% of the respondents said that they applied the EBM methods regularly but not when resolving an immediate clinical question. Conversely, all the participants were also unanimous on the importance of attending CME courses and as a matter of fact they did attend them. They were sure that they valued keeping up to date as it gave them immense satisfaction. 2% of the participants identified CME as their primary self-learning method. All reported that they regularly read journals while 5% read their specialty society journal regularly. About half also identified teaching and questions arising from patients as their main incentive for learning. Apart from luck of time, the participants also mentioned that the nature of their work kept them constantly under pressure to produce clinically. The majority expressed frustration at this constant pressure to perform, a common sentiment among GPs. Barnett SH et al (2000). Unfortunately, none of them associated performing in their duties with applying EBM since they mostly regarded this as a drawback on quick efficiency. Yet they all felt that they could do their work muc h better if they found the space in their punishing schedules to make references a little more and keep up to date. They figured
Monday, January 27, 2020
Childs future life chances
Childs future life chances Your life chances and opportunities depend on the social circumstances of the family you were born into. discuss drawing upon academic literature and research examples The likelihood of a child succeeding in life is still largely determined by their familys income and social position. This essay will begin by introducing the debates which centre around this topic. It will then go on to examine four key domains which affect a Childs future life chances: family income, education, class status and family background. The concept of life chances was originally introduced by Max Weber who believed that factors such as low, economic position, status and power were interlinked and together presented the problem of poorer life chances in the future. In current literature life chances signifies the opportunities which are available for people to improve there quality of life in the future for example access to quality education. Some of these influences are likely to be affected by the social circumstances of the family to which they are born into. This could be directly: well educated parents, all things being equal, will probably provide a more intellectually stimulating home-life than those parents who left school early. Other influences will be indirect: better-educated parents may have higher than average incomes and hence be able to finance educational excursions, or in other ways to provide life enhancing experiences for their offspring. some of these additional opportunities will be cumulative, reinforcing other positive characteristics, while others may serve to compensate for some forms of disadvantage. Some people believe that it is strictly genes that affect our opportunities in life. Research focusing on the causal relationship between genes and subsequent IQ, range from 0 to 80% this provides inconsistent results. Recent research, has suggested that genetic and environmental factors are not distinct determinants of intelligence and life chances. Instead it is the interaction between these two factors which gives rise to a childs intelligence levels. The role that nurture has to play in developing intelligence is clearly demonstrated from data published by Inequality in the early cognitive development of British children. The data suggested that the social circumstances of the family influenced future educational attainment. Those children brought up in families with low Socio-economic Status (SES) with attainment levels ranked as low, at 22 months, were also prone to have low attainment at age ten. On the other hand those children from a high SES background were as likely to sho w high attainment at age ten, even if their attainment was ranked low at 22 months. This data suggests that it is nurture and the social circumstances of the family which influences the future chances of these children and not their initial genetic abilities. Mayer notes that children who are born into low income parents also seem to have less success than those parents who have more money. Children from low income families also tend to score lower on measurers of cognitive ability, more likely to drop put of school, to have behavioural problems and essentially earn less in later life. This is drastically demonstrated in a 1970 British cohort survey showing that at age 26 young adults experience an earnings penalty of 9% if they were brought up in a household with an income below half the average (after controlling for educational attainment) therefore this suggests that young people from poor backgrounds are disproportionately observed at the lower end of the earnings distribution when they are in work. Further research in the US by Isaac (2007) which focused on the intergenerational aspect of income focusing on families economic position and how this is influenced by that of there parents: He found that 42 percent of children born to pa rents in the bottom fifth of the economic distribution remain in this section as adults with only 23 percent rising to the second fifth, meanwhile 39 percent of children born to parents at the top of the income distribution remain at the top, with only 23 percent moving downwards to the second fifth. From this research alone it is clear to see that a parents income is influencing there childrens future income opportunities. One possible reason for this difference is that of social class. The role of SES is well-documented in the literature concerning life chances. Using the National Child Development Stufies and the British Cohort study, Carneiro et al (2007) and Blanden et al (2006) illustrated that there is clearly a strong relationship between a childs social and cognitive abilities and their parents SES. This has been demonstrated by Fienstein (2003) who found that those children who were originally brought up in low socio economic status background who scored poorly on cognitive tests at an early age were more likely to remain with low scores as they grew through the life course, however those children from a higher socio economic status with lowe scores were much more likely to catch up. These results from the NCDS and the BCS do allow for informative feedback However in order to test the validity of these findings it is very important that these relationships are tested throughout generations. This recent research has been carried out by Sylva et al (2007) who analysed data from a recent programme the Effective Pre-School and Primary Education (EPPE) programme which aimed to test childrens cognitive attainment (reading and mathematics) from that age of three to the end of Key Stage 2.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Culture and the Environment on Easter Island and Tikopia Essay examples
In his book Human Natures: Genes, Culture and the Human Prospect , Paul Ehrlich argues that the cultural practices of a given society develop largely as a result of the large-scale environmental factors of the area in which the society lives. He gives the striking example that all religions that developed in deserts are monotheistic, whereas those that began in rainforests are polytheistic (Ehrlich, pp 9 of handout, 2000). Ehrlich argues that the size and geography of a region, its climate, the availability of resources - the "macroevolutionary" forces - will have an enormous effects on the cultures that develop there. Ehrlich continues by pointing out that cultures do not only develop as simple, predictable reflections of their environments. The influences do not only run in one direction; cultural beliefs and practices may lead to large-scale environmental changes made by a society. The culture of a given society may influence how and to what extent that society interacts with its environment. The rate at which cultures acquire new technologies has historically been highly variable; on the one hand, a culture may deliberately restrict the use of a given technology or simply may not have the cultural demand for an available technology (1) . On the other hand, many cultures seem to have desires and appetites that far exceed a sustainable method of utilizing their environment. All too often, the practices of a society over-strain its existing resources in ways that leave those resources irretrievably damaged. A telling example of the complex interactions between a culture and its surroundings is the relative fates of two Pacific islands: Easter Island and Tikopia. Although it would be impossible to pin-point a simple cause-an... ...because they had received early notice and were able to protect themselves in caves. However, their water supply was affected, threatening their fruit supply. These storms have historically hit the island with terrible frequency. In one instance in the 1950s, 200 islanders were killed by a famine in the aftermath by a storm. (ABC News Online, January 4, 2003) Literature Cited: Ehrlich, Paul. Human Natures: Genes, Culture, and the Human Prospect. Island Press, 2000. Firth, Raymond. History and Traditions of Tikopia. New Zealand: Avery Press Limited. 1961. Kirch, Patrick Vinton and Yen, D.E. Tikopia: The Prehistory and Ecology of a Polynesian Outlier. Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press. 1982 Ponting, Clive. A Green History of the World. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1991. Ross, Marc Howard. The Management of Conflict. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1993.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Case study Professionalism in Teaching
IntroductionTo get down this study I would wish to explicate the importance of professional criterions. Harmonizing to the LLUK ( no day of the month ) the professional criterions have a intent. These criterions are for all pedagogues who work within the womb-to-tomb acquisition sector which describe the accomplishments, cognition and properties required for those who are in learning and developing functions.Professionalism in a instructor functionHarmonizing to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ( no day of the month ) instructor professionalism has relevant significance in instruction and that it affects the function of the instructor, which in return affects the pupil ‘s ability to larn efficaciously. Gipps et Al ( 2005 ) stated that It can be defined as the ability to make pupils in a meaningful manner, developing advanced attacks to mandated content while actuating, prosecuting, and animating immature grownup heads to fix for ever-advancing engineering. This definition nevertheless does non depict how a professional should move within their occupation or workplace. Harmonizing to learning expertness ( 2006 ) the post-compulsory instruction and preparation ( PCET ) sector is wide and diverse. Teachers, trainers and coachs who work within the FE sector have all had different experiences. Educators have frequently gained specialist cognition within a peculiar industry e.g. cordial reception and catering. An alternate path is through university and specializing this manner.Critically examines societies and your ain, values in relation to instruction or preparation. ( K1 )Valuess of professional pattern, harmonizing to Wallace ( 2009 ) †¦ , †Our values represent something internal to us – a portion at our ain moral and ethical counsel system. †I believe that learning and acquisition has a intent to educate scholars in the agencies to continue and come on a scholars future and career chances. I believe that a value is a value created on person ‘s ain behalf. The intent of instruction, I believe, is to educate and furthermore we need instruction in our day-to-day lives to last. The pedagogue has a function which is to back up and supply a service whilst at the same clip actuating scholars. Furthermore, it is of import to emphasize that there should be a connexion between the pedagogue and scholar and that there is a positive relationship between them. It is of import, as an pedagogue, to pass on efficaciously. In add-on, a profession and a professional work together in harmoniousness. It should be made clear that a professional individual needs values of professionalism. There may be some convergence in footings of how a professional should move or transport out a professional occupation. The remarks above tie in closely with what makes a ‘good instructor ‘ . From personal contemplations and ideas, three distinguishable facets came to my attending, which are: 1/ an effectual hearer towards the scholars and staff 2/ Bing respectful to co-workers and scholars 3/ to be understanding towards scholars and staffPoor instruction or hapless professionalism in instruction is as follows:1/ non allowing pupils finish undertakings – No reassurance of larning 2/ Impolite to staff and pupils 3/ Favoritism with pupils In drumhead, the values which are distinguishable and should be considered as acceptable values for learning professionals are being supportive, being a hearer and besides to esteem all staff and pupils within the establishment. Professional pattern can be determined with a set of values. These values are what pedagogues should be following with ongoing observation and brooding pattern. Harmonizing to LLUK ( no day of the month ) there is a set of criterions called the ‘New overarching professional criterions for instructors, coachs and trainers in the womb-to-tomb acquisition sector ‘ . Furthermore, the criterions categorised into sub-sections which have specific professional aims and act as guidelines. It is these aims which pedagogues must stay to throughout instructor pattern. Harmonizing to LLUK ( no day of the month ) there is a set of 7 professional values. An illustration would be, AS 1 all scholars, their advancement and development, their learning ends and aspirations and the experience they bring to their acquisition AS 2 Learning, it ‘s possible to profit people emotionally, intellectually, socially and economically, and its part to community sustainability As mentioned, each point has a value and aim. From merely detecting the set of values, intentionally constructed for pedagogues within the LLUK sector, they are powerful and strong. I believe there is a job with the values that pedagogues may non be able to stay to all of these due to several grounds. First, support, and that some institutes may endure to present consistent values. Second, some of the values will hold more demand than others. It can be argued that these values will change harmonizing to the institute. It can be suggested that some establishments would make up one's mind to maintain their dominant values. Additionally, the values set by the LLUK are and should be approached with underpinning cognition and apprehension and a professional pattern. For illustration, mentioning to LLUK ( No name ) , The cognition and apprehension: AK 1.1 What motivates scholars to larn and the importance of scholars ‘ experience and aspirations. Professional pattern: AP 1.1 Encourage the development and patterned advance of all scholars through recognising, valuing and reacting to single motive, experience and aspirations Darling-Hammond ( 1988 ) commented that the value of professionalism, in respects to pedagogues, is cardinal and way of excellence. The writer states that pedagogues need competency and that professionalism relates to three focal points which are readying, cognition of capable country, and defined teaching method. First, readying, prepares the professional for the schoolroom which examines the linguistic communication and cultural barriers. All pedagogues face hindrances in the schoolroom that must be broken down by individualized techniques. Darling-Hammond ( 1988 pg. 59 ) related this to province†¦ , â€Å" Decision devising by well-trained professionals allows single clients ‘ demands to be met more exactly andaˆÂ ¦promotes continual polish and betterment in overall pattern †It is to propose that values of professionalism are to be approached right. This will promote the pedagogue to be prepared for the schoolroom. Furthermore, the values of professionalism exist for a ground. They will profit the professional instructor in footings of motivation and promote pupil engagement. Alongside readying, a professional pedagogue with a strong cognition of his/her capable country will make chances to be originative around the topic taught. As a consequence, Lesson planning and resource readying clip will be less because the pedagogue will already understand the topic. This will cut down the clip researching stuff. It is deserving noticing that it would be an advantage to cognize a capable interior out and would reflect and portray assurance in his/her instruction. In add-on, the pedagogue should hold a wealth of experience which would profit his/her pattern and heighten their instruction. Harmonizing to Lunenburg and Ornstein ( 2000 ) , developing such expertness and cognition can take old ages to develop such cognition. As a consequence of this, I believe that changeless reading and information seeking is of import to learning a specializer topic. It would be good that an pedagogue has worked and gained adequate experience within the industry in order for them to learn or go specializers in their profession. I besides believe that this would better and develop chances when it comes to being originative. It is helpful to sketch the wider context within which FE pattern and values of the professional pedagogue. Notwithstanding, the coach groups in FE who were non antecedently included in the FE ( e.g. colleges 14-19 sheepskin ) , colleges have become ‘livelier topographic points ‘ . Lectors ‘ activities have now geared more to guaranting that pupils remain on classs and that pupils pass makings ‘ ( Hyland and Merrill 2003 P.g. 86 ) . To summarize, I would wish to notice that professional values assist the pedagogue and that they should be utilised at all times during his or her pattern. Guile and Lucas ( 1999 P.g. 204 ) suggested that elucidation in footings of depicting the FE pedagogue is needed. It is deserving proposing that society decides and determines professionalism and the values of professionalism within ground to how the pedagogue should be.Show a critical consciousness of the construct of professionalism as this relates to the current function of a instructor working in the PCET sector. ( K1, K2 )With respect to the construct of professionalism, Humphreys and Hyland ( 2002 P.g. 06 ) argued that, â€Å" †¦ the concentration on public presentation in learning and professional development is to be welcomed, provided that ‘performance ‘ is non defined in strictly technicist or instrumental footings†¦ †In other words, there is a intent for public presentation in learning which should non be confused or misinterpreted. The standards, the function and duties of a instructor rich person and are going more and more centralized. The questionable scenario/point to foreground here is that of the pedagogue and how they are to get the better of this challenge. Harmonizing to IFL, a Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills ( QTLS ) position is acknowledgment for freshly qualified instructors within PCET. This highlights the individuality of instructors in post-compulsory instruction and preparation. All new instructors need to accomplish a Level 3 learning making. Following this, new instructors have five old ages to accomplish a Level 5 learning making which leads to the QTLS position. The QTLS position is acknowledgment of the learning making in order to learn within the PCET sector. In working towards a new profession, the IFL raises the importance for go oning professional development ( CPD ) which ensures that pedagogues remain specializers in their chosen subject/s. Harmonizing to Millerson ( 1964 ) , there is struggle and treatment to how the instructor should transport out their professional function. This relates to the nature of professionalism. Millerson ( 1964 ) mentioned that professionalism concerned a batch of attending to sociologists in the fiftiess. The chief attack at the clip focused on set uping the characteristics that an business should hold in order to be termed a profession. Within context, this questioned how professions such as medical specialty and jurisprudence should be perceived. In contrast, Hanlon ( 1998 ) highlighted that there is research on professionalism. The writer stated that people see professionalism in a profession. The writer has highlighted the point that instruction is a profession and that the function of the instructor is professional.Critically evaluates a chosen facet of quality confidence in PCET and relates this to the construct of professionalism. ( K3 )To review quality confidence within PCET it would be appropriate to specify quality confidence. To summarize, quality confidence is a system which prevents a deficiency of professionalism and through regular control criterions and values can be maintained. This makes certain that the demands of the user/s are satisfied. The chief intent is to command appraisal and besides seeks to better public presentation. In add-on, quality confidence controls and helps to benchmark against bing qualitative and quantitative results/feedback. Professionalism and quality confidence are two complex countries which overlap and must work together. The two countries concerned are of high importance to the instructor, the class squad and the college/Institution. The quality confidence procedure is closely linked with being a professional instructor and that the professional values should take to help and ease a way. Bing a professional instructor requires uninterrupted professional development which is carried out by finishing research within the specializer topic, module and establishment. Harmonizing to the LLUK ( no day of the month ) , student feedback is valuable. There are two types of feedback, formal and informal attacks. It is critical that the PCET instructor considers regular equal observations which will assist to better learning accomplishments. Observations can assist to review learning styles/approaches within instruction. Through regular equal appraisal and observation, the PCET teacher/tutor must show effectual and appropriate organisational accomplishments which should be evidenced through lesson planning. Harmonizing to LLUK ( No Date ) , The section and staff should be measured utilizing a assortment of ways which should include and affect statistical informations such as attending records, classs, per centums, pupil profiles, pupil studies and lesson observations and more. This information can construe and assist to benchmark against information. This should help the control and appraisal of quality confidence as mentioned above. The establishment has a repute to continue and a quality position to accomplish through ends and action programs. It is portion of the PCET instructor to guarantee that changeless parts and attempts are made which are so measured through internal audits, college records, conference tabular arraies and every kid affairs policies. Last, external organic structures, as they help to model the quality together. It could be stated that they are the ‘back bone ‘ . External organic structures such as, LLUK or Ofsted Inspectors mean what must be done. It is an indispensable portion for counsel and that these external organic structures are to assist and better the PCET instructor, college/institution and section. Harmonizing to The University of Bath ( 2005 ) there would be a board and or a quality confidence commission who would be responsible for the staff learning. Internal and external testers are besides utilized to bring forth studies which help to measure and reexamine the instructor, section and institute. All parts of the quality confidence system within PCET are critical to the mix of an overall quality public presentation. The chosen facet for critical rating is observation. Reasoning for my determination is that there is plentifulness of research and information about the subject. Observations assist pedagogues and establishments in footings of acquisition and instruction. It should be made clear for what purpose the observation has and will this profit the instructor or the establishment or both. Bains ( 2006 ) highlighted two chief classs, formal and informal observations. These must be an agreed upon before it takes topographic point. Bains ( 2006 ) stated that Formal observations are those for Performance Management e.g. Ofsted. Informal observations are those used for professional development. These take portion of internal monitoring systems. Peer observations, for illustration, for informal feedback. The University of Sussex ( no day of the month ) highlighted the importance of equal observation of instruction and that this enhances the position of learning and acquisition and besides strengthens quality confidence processes. The University of Exeter ( 2005 ) explained peer observations to be an appraisal of instructors by instructors. Furthermore, couplings may be experienced by mentor/novice or experienced teacher. It could be argued that equal appraisal can instead measure on assorted degrees in footings of learning experience. It is besides questionable whether the observation standard assesses suitably against the ascertained instructor. The equal observation should assist the instructor to develop learning accomplishments by transporting out observations with co-workers. It should be highlighted that the chief aim is to supply chances for instructors to reflect on his or her instruction. The QAA ( 2000 ) stated that peer observation provides pedagogues with chances to larn from each other in a ‘non-threatening environment ‘ . This could propose that instructors would portion thoughts constructively to his or her professional benefit and within relation to professional values. In drumhead, it can be argued that equal appraisal is for the pedagogues benefit. It is problematic how establishments guarantee that pupils learn efficaciously and systematically at all times throughout their instruction. Peer observations are to better instruction pattern which can be seen as good to freshly qualified instructors. It can be commented that equal appraisal assists less experient instructors to better their instruction accomplishments. Pagani ( 2002 ) commented that pedagogues should hold the freedom to take equal assessor/observers. This attack could be argued as vague due to assorted concluding behind equity, equality and besides being critical. In understanding, Pagani ( 2002 ) stated that establishments should place an country of focal point for equal observation. In drumhead, peer observations are utile and appropriate. There is some convergence and a deficiency of decision to a concrete definition of observation. Furthermore, equal observations need to be carefully planned on the evidences of professionalism. I believe that peer observation should non be considered as an informal pattern. It would be just to notice that it is a formal in-house process which adopts formal guidelines. In understanding, Partington and Brown ( 1997 ) identified that equal reappraisal is an indispensable procedure for reexamining thoughts and identifies where errors could happen if action is non followed through carefully. It can be commented that this improves the quality of a product/service. The writers argued that it is an chance to knock and that it is an facet of constructing one ‘s assurance and instruction.Using relevant theoretical accounts of brooding pattern to critically analyze larning on the CourseThe class, for me, has been good and an gratifying experience. It is clip to reflect on my instruction pattern. There have been some hard phases which I have highlighted and times where betterment and action have been considered. Harmonizing to Brookfield ( 1988 ) critical thought is a procedure o n recent experience with a past experience and should make an country or subject for treatment. Brookfield ( 1988 ) mentioned that critical contemplation should include differences and or any relationships which can be highlighted. The purpose of critical contemplation is to develop critical thought accomplishments which will find specific and realistic results. On many occasions throughout the class I have reflected and it would be hard to reflect on the whole class due to such varied subjects and huge complexness of treatment. Hatton and Smith ( 1995 ) designed a critical contemplation theoretical account which identified a model for authorship and placing different sorts of contemplation. The theoretical account will be used to assist help with my critical brooding pattern. The model will besides find phases within my instruction pattern where I believe it is deserving discoursing. The first point of the theoretical account is descriptive and aims to make a starting point. To the attending of past contemplations and pattern it is a wise and an appropriate determination to reflect upon the micro-teach ( pttls ) . The micro-teach was carried out within the early phases of my instruction pattern. This was my starting point for learning and reflecting. The 2nd point will foreground descriptive contemplations which attempts to supply grounds based upon personal judgement. I realised that an active attack to my cordial reception pupils was required and that the VAKs schemes improved my lesson planning and clip direction. Gradually, as the class continued, lesson planning developed to go more structured and defined in footings of my purposes and aims. Throughout my brooding pattern, to my attending, a figure of pupils did non react to how my lessons were planned. Thinking about this, this was down to the degree of functional accomplishments applied to the degree delivered. To my attending, I needed to better my accomplishments on bringing. I needed to understand how I should use them suitably and efficaciously in lessons. The forth action point within the theoretical account must associate to a broader historical, societal and/or political context and what better than my experience and cognition gained throughout the independent survey of the course of study faculty. The survey helped to bring forth some valuable points on societal, political, economical and technological factors within context to my instruction pattern. Brookfield ( 2001 ) described critical contemplation to be a systematic attempt which identified and discovered stuff. Brookfield ( 2001 ) developed the four lenses theoretical account which helped to analyze and help instruction patterns. The four lenses are our ain experiences as scholars, pupils, co-workers, and reading the professional literature. These aid to uncover the premises behind those patterns and name them into inquiry. The theoretical account of contemplation will assist to analyze my instruction pattern within the points identified above. My micro-teach was an experience and made me experience nervous and discerning as I have ne'er taught before in my life. Due to my nervousnesss, I wanted to do certain that I was presenting correct and appropriate information. I researched around my chosen subject which reassured my instruction bringing. I besides found that this became utile when I was utilizing the inquiry and reply technique. I found that I was using learning techniques and schemes that I had learnt in the first few hebdomads of the class. Having applied these learning schemes they helped hike my assurance. The inquiry and reply technique was adopted to help my bringing. I believe that this engaged my scholars. I applied the VAKs schemes to assist all scholars. The pupils engaged good to my micro-teach and I now believe that I need to see an active acquisition attack as I teach hospitality pupils. I personally found that the micro-teach went smooth sing it was my first clip. Having now reflected, I think that more literature could hold been used to back up other scholars. To summarize, the micro-teach was surely ‘a stepping rock ‘ towards going a successful instructor within the PCET sector. I found this a leap forwards and was highly good earlier traveling to my arrangement. After Christmas I personally felt under a batch of force per unit area as I was roll uping my instruction hours every bit good as working towards my assignments. Most of my lesson contemplations identified that my instruction technique and manner was excessively relaxed. Some of my pupils started to misconduct and utilize this to their advantage in category. I realised, after many lessons and observations that I needed to present my lessons with an active attack which would so command and pull off my category. As a instructor trainee, I found that I was passing a batch of clip on my lesson programs. They were non seeking the best out of pupils. I revisited my attack and consulted my wise man who kindly assisted my lesson planning. I found that this helped enormously in authorship and structuring my lessons. I found myself researching around activities and being originative when it comes to learning. I researched and functional accomplishments which closely linked with my VAKs and as consequence, I finally found that pupils were larning efficaciously through their preferable methods of acquisition and my schoolroom direction accomplishments improved. About half manner through the class there were several issues sing my lesson planning. My wise man assisted me to better my purposes and aims. I needed to do certain that my purposes and aims were mensurable and considered way towards my schoolroom attack and pupil benefit. As a instructor trainee, I feel that lesson planning is something that can merely come in clip. In fact, I realised that I needed to do certain I can be after a lesson now to guarantee that I can present a lesson. My wise man and other co-workers supported me by allowing me look at their lesson programs. My wise man and I agreed that I would subject my lesson programs before bringing. This helped me to understand and or rethink my purposes and aims. My lessons improved by being realistic about the purposes and aims and, as a consequence, improved pupil acquisition and instruction accomplishments. The class has surely been a learning curve. One of the most ambitious studies was the curriculum assignment. I personally found that the study involved a batch of reading about political, economical, sociological and technological subjects. The course of study theoretical accounts were hard to understand so I tried to mention to them in a realistic context at my arrangement. My wise man was supportive and guided me through some of the course of study theoretical accounts. From past contemplations, I think that course of study theoretical accounts and understanding them are critical towards presenting specific classs such as the BTEC national sheepskin class. This is a class I was assisting to present. This helped me to understand how I should near my bringing.Make a critical remark on the value of brooding pattern in the development of professional instructors. ( K4, A2, A3 )It would be appropriate to explicate and specify contemplation before doing premises and critical remarks. Reflection is an mundane sense which assists and looks back on past experiences. Osterman and Kottkamp ( 1993 ) stated that critical contemplation is known as a vehicle. This is used by pedagogues to measure and analyze experiences within a schoolroom environment. Brookfield ( 1995 ) mentioned that critical reflective pattern is a procedure which is used to analyze experiences. For illustration, course of study development or theories. It can be stated that contemplation is a procedure which analyses a point or action. In add-on, critical analysis could be used to understand why a point or action is how it is. Within ground, critical contemplation will be used. As a metaphor, the brooding pattern could be the foundations of a house. The intent of contemplation is clear. Consequently, contemplation does non bespeak who, what, where, how and or why practicians should transport out contemplations and that it is left to the pedagogue. This leads on to the work of Brookfield ( 1995 ) and stated that critical contemplation can be broken into a figure of dimensions which address or at least suggest a path for reflecting. 1. Descriptive 2. Descriptive with some contemplation 3. Dialogic contemplation 4. Critical contemplation Brooding pattern, harmonizing to Brookfield ( 1995 ) , stated that practicians can develop self-awareness if they evaluate their performance/s on an ongoing footing. The writer stated that learning pattern can be improved by concentrating on the experiences and activities used. Within understanding, brooding pattern is meaningful and it improves accomplishments and cognition. It can be argued that clip and forbearance is an issue and non to bury how experient the practitioner/educator is. I mean that brooding pattern could turn out more meaningful for a trainee instructor than an experient instructor of over 10-20 old ages. There are many angles which could be argued and that brooding pattern improves over clip and non over dark. Hatton and Smith ( 1995 ) agreed that self-awareness is meaningful when we want to better instruction pattern. Assorted learning methods and accomplishments allow the professional to see alternate avenues. This would hold a positive impact on their instruction by increasing their degree of self-awareness. It can be argued that learning pattern and professionalism can merely be developed in clip. In add-on, personal experiences and the experiences of co-workers should make an environment that enhances pupil larning. This suggests that the experient practician is valuable and they should assist trainee instructors to better their instruction. As a consequence, the pupil, section and establishment benefits. Bruner ( 1990 ) highlighted that critical reflective pattern is an on-going procedure which enriches course of study. I would hold that pedagogues strive to be effectual and pupils want to be originative. This suggests that course of study should reflect both parties concerned. There seems to be contrast and convergence to writers ‘ sentiments on contemplation and being critical. It is to propose that all practicians have purposes and aims which determine enhance instruction patterns and pupils public presentations. Curriculum consciousness is highlighted and brooding pattern should take to accomplish and better the pedagogue in footings of the instruction pattern, pupil ‘s classs, the college conference boards and attending and repute. Bruner ( 1990 ) would urge that instructors engage in critical conversations with co-workers which would heighten and find educational doctrines, instructions, and duties to pupils ‘ growing. To summarize, it can be commented that a practician should reflect on their experiences. Brooding pattern would finally re-shape his or her teaching pattern. It should be expressed that contemplation is wise and is mandatory towards going and or accomplishing higher criterions of learning pattern for the practician, the pupils and the institute. In add-on, I believe that the professional teacher/educator should see and value pupils ‘ remarks. This would prosecute the pupils more and would help the practician to understand the pupils better. Brooding pattern develops professionals and enables us to larn from our ain experiences. Although, I would reason that more experience does non vouch improved acquisition. In add-on, I do n't believe that twenty old ages of instruction is 20 old ages of larning about learning. It may besides be the instance that one twelvemonth repeats over 20 times with no contemplations made. I would see this as hapless instruction. It is deserving noticing that contemplations are honorable and effectual which should, in clip, better learning accomplishments. From reading, it has drawn to my attending that extra research is required about critical reflective pattern.A reappraisal for appropriate chances within my personal professional development and to discourse my acquisition of accomplishments in relation to professional development. ( A1, A3 )ATL ( Association of Teachers and Lecturers ) ( 2009 ) mentioned that since September 2007, all pedagogues within the farther instruction and accomplishme nts sector in England came under new ordinances which revised learning makings. Continuous professional development ( CPD ) for all instructors are now required and is requested by the Institute for Learning ( IfL ) . To derive and make chances within PPD and CPD action will be considered. First of wholly, up to this day of the month, a reappraisal of my accomplishments will be summarised which will assist and help the development chances. As portion of the PPD and CPD, IFL rank is required in order to finish the CPD. Depending on a occupation after the class, full-time instructors should set about at least 30 hours of CPD per twelvemonth for professional development. CPD is a status of retaining the IFL rank and aims to better learning accomplishments. IFL made CPD compulsory for freshly qualified instructors and permits them to learn within FE colleges. Examples of informal CPD might be to work tailing, equal observation, attending at subject-specific conferences, reading diary articles, or garnering up-to-date information on new course of study and or assisting on makings such as 14-19 sheepskin. A accomplishments audit was completed for WBE 1 file which identified assorted failings which could potentially be made into positive results. In add-on, WBE 1 and WBE 2 files were compared utilizing the brooding pattern gained throughout the class. The accomplishments audit identified some failings and besides strengths. One of the chief highlighted failings was maths/numeric accomplishments and that consideration would be focussed to implant these into lessons. This was a smart mark nonsubjective to carry through before completing the class. Second, composing and literacy accomplishments and was more closely related to proof reading paperss before entry. On the other manus, the audit highlighted that IT and communicating accomplishments were high and that assurance developed. Action was considered utilizing smart aims which were defined to accomplish in a measure by measure procedure nevertheless I still experience uncomfortableness with my literacy and utilizing maths in the schoolroom. Brooding pattern was collected towards the terminal of WBE 2 which announced that my assurance and learning ability has developed in footings of lesson planning, clip direction and besides capable cognition through regular reading. Brooding pattern was progressive and rather like a rollercoaster, particularly in WBE 1. To summarize, my contemplations found that the VAKs schemes were good embedded into lessons and they helped my cordial reception pupils. I carefully reviewed my activities to do certain that my pupils were being active in theory lessons. In add-on, an betterment was highlighted that my instruction manner was going more decisive and direct towards my pupils. This aided my schoolroom direction attack. Improvements still needed to be made. Towards the terminal of my instruction pattern, it was reflected that I became excessively patronizing and enthusiastic about learning. I am a passionate individual and I enjoy learning and being about immature people. I try to be healthy which has benefited my instruction manner. I have good organisational accomplishments which have helped me to prioritize my resources and lessons. My personal accomplishments and cognition have encouraged my pupils to near me with easiness. In footings of PPD and CPD, an action program will be considered to develop my instruction pattern farther. The following stairss within my function as a professional forepart of house cordial reception tutor/lecturer will see many equal observations. I believe this will assist me concentrate on how to present maths/numeric efficaciously. I believe that squad instruction and helping in numeral geared lessons would better my pattern. Writing/Proof reading is something which has been a long term job for me. As an academic it was believed that I have dyslexia. It was non proved that I have dyslexia. From now on I will seek to derive some farther aid within the literacy section who may back up my authorship and reading accomplishments. Proof reading has proved good and I still seek for a 2nd sentiment. Throughout my instruction pattern, IT and communicating accomplishments worked to my advantage. I would wish to work with some specialised on-line equipment which will assist to implant IT skills within future lessons. The new course of study 14-19 sheepskin is new to FE colleges and I would wish to be portion of tutoring a class for illustration, nutrient and drink service for 14-19. I would wish to hold my ain personal coach group as this would supply my with the chance to intercede with other co-workers, the course of study director and be able to concentrate on my CPD for the hereafter. I will be able to implant my administration accomplishments in lessons and be able to pass on efficaciously. Working with the 14-19 sheepskin will besides promote me to implant functional accomplishments as the sheepskin classs have more accent on them. This would be an chance to better my ain functional accomplishments at the same clip. Decision To reason, professionalism is an of import and should be approached in a professional manor. I believe that the professional values serve a intent for focal point and that we, as practicians, should respond and work jointly to supplying a worthwhile instruction. The study highlighted that there are some struggles to what professionalism is due to its complex nature. It was discussed that quality confidence is an of import characteristic towards the overall part of the practician. In add-on, quality confidence benefited the pedagogue, the section, pupils and the establishment. I personally found that brooding pattern is considered to be good instruction pattern and that this assists with the overall quality of one ‘s instruction and of the establishment for this affair. Overall, the study was utile to understand the construct of being a professional and being a brooding practician. The study has besides highlighted that there is a demand to constantly reappraisal and reflect. I will now go on my journey of being a professional and I will seek to finish my CPD. Gipps et Al ( 2005 ) Wallace ( 2009 ) †¦ ,
Friday, January 3, 2020
Summary Torts - 1599 Words
Torts I Fall 2015 Midterm This set of questions and answers was created by [6046]. 1.) Kaycee is the starting quarterback for the University of Montana Law Schools’ Blewits. He’s had a tremendous senior season and is the front runner for the most prestigious reward in college football, the Heisman. During a game against Oregon, the following set of facts occurred. It was in the midst of the fourth quarter and Kaycee had just thrown an 81-yard touchdown pass to Dillon, giving the Blewits a three-point lead. As Kaycee was doing his famous touchdown dance, an extremely upset John ran onto the field from the stands and blindside tackled Kaycee directly in the knees. Kaycee never saw John coming, and as a result of John’s vicious hit, Kaycee suffered torn ACLs in both knees. After visiting the doctor, Kaycee has learned that he will never be able to play football again. Kaycee is extremely upset about the incident, and more specifically the millions of dollars he will not make through being an NFL player. In seek of retribution Kaycee has sued John for the intentional tort of battery. What will be the result of Kaycee’s lawsuit against John? (A) Kaycee will be awarded appropriate damages on the behalf that John had a duty to abide by the rules of the game and he breached this duty through viciously tackling Kaycee in a time in which the rules clearly prohibit. (B) Kaycee will not be able to recover damages because football is a very physical sport and KayceeShow MoreRelatedThe Case Lawsuit Filed Suit1014 Words  | 5 PagesNow through undersigned counsel, come Defendant, Lauris Hollis (Defendant), who respectfully request that this Court grant their Motion for Summary Judgment dismissing the Plaintiff s claims against him. 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