Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Quebec and Canada
Quebec and Canada Free Online Research Papers Ever since the thought of separation from Canada began to form within Quebec, a physical and political tug-o-war has formed between them and the federal government. Fueled by the desire to be seen as a separate nation with their own culture and language, Quebec’s role in contemporary Canada has been that of an inconsistent partner suffering from self conflict and insecurity. Although they still remain a part of Canada, a part of Quebec’s population was willing to fight and resort to terrorism for their independence and still continues to fight for it today. Over the years Quebec has had its share of powerful leaders as well as a few that lacked the needed intensity to make a difference. Maurice Duplessis was one of the province’s most controversial premiers, but also the longest-serving and one of the greatest. He encouraged the French-speaking citizens of Quebec to be proud and embrace their differences from the rest of the country, spreading a feeling of nationalism. But although there were positive changes, Duplessis also pushed the province into what is known as the Great Darkness with corruption, vote fixing, and limited civil rights. The best example of this is the Act Respecting Communistic Propaganda, also known as the Padlock Law. Being a conservative, Duplessis was strongly anti-communist. The new law declared that people practicing communism were a threat to Quebec society and gave the authorities the right to enter any building in search of communist material. The law, however, did not define what was meant by Ã¢â‚¬Ë œcommunist,’ leaving authorities to decide for themselves . Anybody found with this material was forced to appear in court to plead his or her case. In Duplessis’ attempt to silence any political opposition, the law also made it illegal to read certain material and have certain thoughts, overstepping the boundaries of the government and violating the civil rights of the people of Quebec. Under his rule, Quebec seemed destined to fall. After Duplessis died in office in 1959, he was replaced by Paul Sauvà © who also died suddenly shortly after taking control. A provincial election was called, and with the election of Jean Lesage and the provincial Liberal party in 1960 the Quiet Revolution began. Lesage and the Liberals promised to bring an end to the corruption and patronage that had marked the previous government of Maurice Duplessis . Within a year major social, political and economical changes were already beginning. The government, formerly conservative and corrupt to the core, eventually became one of the more left-leaning and progressive in Canada. It also took over health care and education, placing them under provincial control as opposed to the Roman Catholic Church. It was known as the Quiet Revolution because all of the sudden changes had come without any violence. During this time, the population became so unified that some began to believe that Quebec should separate from the rest of the country. The Quiet Revolution came to an end in 1970 with the occurrence of the October Crisis, which involved the kidnapping of two important officials by the Front de Libà ©ration du Quà ©bec, known as the FLQ. They were an underground separatist group of Quebec citizens that emerged during the 1960s with a declaration calling for the overthrow of the Quebec government, the independence of Quebec from Canada, and a worker’s society. They saw that the federal government was never going to acknowledge Quebec’s concerns and special needs to retain their culture, so they used to force to get attention. The FLQ are seen as the first terrorism group in Canada and were involved in over 95 bombings that killed 7 people in Quebec. While mailboxes were common targets, the largest single bombing was of the Montreal Stock Exchange on February 13, 1969. It caused extensive damage and injured 27 people. Other targets included City Hall, RCMP recruitment offices, railroad tracks and army i nstallations. Their acts became far more serious in 1970 however. On October 5 the FLQ kidnapped British Trade Commissioner James Richard Cross and released a list of demands in order for his safe return. 5 days later, when the demands are not met, they kidnap Pierre Laporte, the Quebec Minister of Immigration. In response to the second kidnapping, The Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau, invoked the War Measures Act stating that authorities had the power to arrest anyone suspected of being aligned with the FLQ. One member sent to prison, Pierre Vallià ¨res, wrote a book entitled White Niggers of America in which he wrote, â€Å"Let us burn the papier-mache traditions with which they have tried to build a myth around our slavery So in hindsight, the threat to the government of Quebec was limited. The majority of suspected FLQ members arrested were released without charge. The events and consequences of the October Crisis sparked a loss of support for the violent means for Quebec independence that had been going on for years, and increased the support for the political party. Although it did solve the problem at hand, a lot of controversy still surrounds whether or not it was necessary for Trudeau to send troops into Quebec. Some believe that he was using the threat posed by the FLQ as an excuse to intimidate the rest of the separatists in the province. As Prime Minister he hoped to attach the province more firmly to Canada and fight the rising threat of separation by also providing a strong voice for Quebec in the federal government. Trudeau believed that by giving French-speaking and English-speaking Canadians the same opportunities that the citizens of Quebec would be satisfied and feel more connected to their country. The Liberal party passed the Official Languages Act in 1969 to give both languages equal status and make Canada a bilingual country. Although the purpose of the act was to make Quebec less isolated, the English-speaking Canadians believed that French-speaking Canadians were getting special treatment in Ottawa. Although the act made French a national language, Quebec still wanted more special rights and continued to make things difficult for the government. Although the country was now required to teach French in schools to meet the requirements of a bilingual county, Quebec declared that it would only have French, thus broadening the line between themselves and the other provinces and frustrating them along the way. Separatism is still an issue in Canada, though its supporters have thankfully turned away from violence to pursue a more political path. It is clear that Quebec does not fit in with the other provinces, but it is a part of the multicultural atmosphere that Canada is known for and should remain so. Despite the best efforts of French politicians and the FLQ, who were certainly successful in drawing attention to their cause, Quebec is where it belongs. Research Papers on Quebec and CanadaAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 Europe19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPETSTEL analysis of IndiaAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2The Effects of Illegal ImmigrationBringing Democracy to AfricaRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XCapital Punishment
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Italian Phrases for Staying at a Hotel in Italy
Italian Phrases for Staying at a Hotel in Italy When you visit Italy, there are a variety of options for accommodation. If you’re looking for something that’s more standard, a hotel room might be the best fit for you. But if you want a more authentic experience, you could choose to stay in a hostel, rent a room in someone’s home, book an entire apartment for yourself, or stay in something more unique like an . No matter what you choose, you’re going to need phrases along with important vocabulary. Phrases C’à ¨ qualcosa di pià ¹ economico? - Is there anything cheaper?Il prezzo include la colazione? - Does the price include breakfast?Qual à ¨ la password per il WiFi? - What is the WiFi password?Ho perso la chiave. - I lost my key.Mi sono chiuso/a fuori dalla camera. - I’m locked out of my room.La luce non funziona. - The light isn’t working.Non c’à ¨ acqua calda. - There is no hot water.La camera à ¨ troppo (fredda). - The room is too (cold).Mi d la ricevuta, per favore? - Can you give me a receipt, please?Possiamo lasciare i bagagli fino alle (due)? - Can we leave our bags here until (2PM)?Mi puà ² procurare un taxi per andare all’aeroporto, per favore? - Can you organize a taxi for going to the airport, please?Avete...? - Do you have...? Vocabulary L’Internet - InternetLa cucina - KitchenLa lavanderia - LaundryIl telefono - TelephoneGli asciugamani - TowelsIl sapone - SoapLa carta igienica - Toilet paperUn’altra coperta - Another blanketLe lenzuola pulite - Clean sheetsLa TV - TelevisionIl telecomando - RemoteLa piscina - PoolL’aria condizionata - Air conditioningIl servizio in camera - Room serviceFare check-in - To check inFare check-out - To check outPrenotare - To bookLa camera - RoomLa camera doppia - Double roomIl letto matrimoniale - Double bedIl passaporto - PassportIl piano - FloorLe valigie - Suitcases / baggageGli ospiti - Guests Tip: It’s more likely that you’ll hear â€Å"i documenti - documents†instead of â€Å"il passaporto - passport.†Dialogue You: Buongiorno, abbiamo prenotato una camera doppia per stanotte. - Hello, we booked a double room for tonight.Clerk: Il suo nome, prego? - Your name, please?You: Giulia Mazzini.Clerk: Per due notti, vero? - For two nights, right?You: Sà ¬. - Yes.Clerk: Il totale à ¨ settantacinque euro. - The total is 75 euro.You: Possiamo pagare con la carta di credito? - Can we pay by credit card?Clerk: Sà ¬, certo. Posso vedere i vostri passaporti? - Yes, absolutely. Can I see your passports?You: Sà ¬, ecco. - Yes. Here they are.Clerk: Ecco la chiave, la vostra camera à ¨ la numero 215 al secondo piano. - Here is the key, your room number is (215) on the (2nd) floor.You: A che ora (si deve)/dobbiamo lasciare libera la camera? - What time is check-out?Clerk: Alle 11. - At 11 am.You: Grazie! - Thanks!Clerk: Potete usare l’ascensore là ¬ in fondo. - You (all) can use the elevator there at the end (of the hall). Phrases for an Apartment If you book privately, the landlord may request that you send a â€Å"bonifico - deposit†via wire transfer. In order to do this, collect the IBAN number (cod IBAN) and the BIC number (cod BIC). The â€Å"bonifico†may be anywhere between 30-50% of the price. Finally, tourist season is April - October, so if you plan on visiting during that time, particularly in a more populated area, like Firenze, be sure to book 6-7 months in advance. Come funziona la lavatrice? - How does the washer work?C’à ¨ un ferro da stiro? - Is there an iron?Il gas à ¨ aperto? - Is the gas on? Tip: You’ll need to know how to ask about the gas because you won’t be able to cook using the stove unless the gas switch is open or turned on.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Classical Realism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Classical Realism - Essay Example Elephant is a collection of short stories by Carver which includes the following: Boxes, Whoever Was Using This Bed, Intimacy, Menudo, Elephant, Blackbird Pie, and Errand. Carver used a "dirty realism" technique in presenting his thoughts in these short stories, "a North American literary construct born in the late 20th century where the narrative is stripped down to its fundamental features."2 A derivation of minimalism, dirty realism is present in most of the author's literary works, one essentially characterized by a focus on surface description and an economy of words. This literary genre is present in Elephant as it tends to eschew adverbs and allow context to dictate meaning.3 In minimalist stories, just like that of Carver's, the characters tend to be featured as unexceptional beings through the use of meaningful contexts and through incorporation of adverbs.4 Dirty realism is generally seen as a hallmark of Carver's Elephant as in the rest of his works. Setting out the differences between Carver's dirty realism and 19th century classical realism, the latter focuses on a broad category of artistic styles attempting to merge or combine classicism and realism in textual presentation. It is likewise broadly defined as "the faithful representation of reality", a literarily technique practiced by several schools of writing. Realism takes interest in scientific method, rational philosophy, and a reaction against the classic romanticism.5 It emphasizes "the immediate, the here and now, the specific action, and the verifiable consequence."6 The combination of classicism and realism seems to be an oxymoron, as classicism tends to idealize the subject matter while realism tends to develop a reaction against the idealists.7The 19th century realism tends to have a remarkable and monotonous agreement in main features. There is an excessive use of minute external detail, alongside with viewing the vaunted objectivity and impersonality as a faade for immorality and cynicism, neglecting the ideal. As rapid industrialization and urbanization take place, an expanding population and a rise in middle-class affluence provide an abundant ground for literary explorations, which is often regarded as "a strategy for imagining and managing the threats of social change."8 With Madame Bovary, the term was clearly established in France. Dickens was likewise held as "a novelist of the ideal or romantic school, welcoming the wholesome spirit of realism."9 As a dirty realist, Carver's objects are conveyed with a representational quality which may not be described as metaphorical, universal, or direct. His dirty realism is characteristically represented through truth and a depiction of commonplace events, characters, and settings. It considers characters and events which are very ordinary and uninteresting, attributing meaning and value to them.10 In his Elephant and Other Stories, he presents everyday objects in a realist, descriptive manner, with relevance to their relatedness in the syntax of sentences and the 'world' of the story.11 Intimacy, a story in the collection, suggests a constant fascination with animate objects with the character's expression of inexplicable things through the medium of objects depicted in the text. The story revolves around a man and his
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business decision making cast study Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business decision making cast - Case Study Example ) What are the Country Based Competitive Advantages & Disadvantages? (Be as specific as possible in terms of the context of the company / case being discussed. – Please use the PowerPoint’s from the class notes for some additional guidelines.) Market & Customers – Customers are affluent, highly health-conscious, and fiercely loyal. There is an increased demand for locally produced products as a result of Slow Food movement and 100-Mile Diet. However, the customers have minimum bargaining power because the foreign cheeses, the main rivals, are of high cost. Buyer & Supplier – the company is heavily dependent on suppliers for the supply of milk, giving them more bargaining power. In addition, the company has the tendency to buy local, which gives suppliers more power. Government quota agreements also increase supplier power. What external Macro Environment factors impact this business? (Using the SPITE Analysis, Be as specific as possible in terms of the context of the company / case being discussed. – Please use the Week 2 PowerPoint’s for some additional guidelines.) Staffing & Leadership perspective- Klahsen is a mother and already has a busy life managing both business and family. In addition, she is planning to retire in 10-15 years. However, the company pays fair wages, making its staff loyal. Moreover, the company has developed good brand name, which makes it easy to attract employees but Klahsen’s age and lack of time will be a constraint. What does the financial analysis reveal? (This section will require students to actually look at the financial information and in most cases, make a few calculations based on the â€Å"5 Groups of Financial Models†we discussed in discussed in class. When financial information is not specifically available students should be able to speculate some written descriptions instead of financial calculations.) Profitability – though there was an
Sunday, November 17, 2019
CanGo Essay Example for Free
CanGo Essay Issue 1: No clear strategy for expansion CanGo has had its success, and now they are looking into the future. Their question is, â€Å"What’s going to help them grow?†and as Liz said, â€Å"Turn them into a mighty oak.†CanGo recognizes that branching out and delving into new territory will be profitable and its popular with investors since they’re thinking of going for an IPO. The possibilities of adding e-books, streaming audio and video is hip but they also recognize that the online gaming industry is on the cutting edge for growth. With all of the brainstorming ideas CanGo has they do recognize there’s a scarcity of resources such as capital and people. Recommendation: The management team at CanGo is full of ideas related to expanding its product line. Liz has mentioned the possibility of E-books, music and video, and Andrew suggests online gaming. Expansion is just one topic, as the company is considering offering IPO (initial public offering). The brass is contemplating major decisions without professional guidance. The employees will soon be asked to juggle more responsibilities, without the appropriate resources. CanGo should seek additional consultation specific to the objectives it wants to achieve. In addition, the company must consider the risk and where to allocate resources to be maximize profit. Furthermore, there will have to be some degree of advertising and marketing to generate interests. CanGo feels that the best way to handle new ventures is to use in-house employees. Pulling employees from jobs they are already doing will no doubt take away from quality. We recommend that Warren and Liz take into consideration the opportunity cost of expanding at this time. Will the benefits outweigh the cost of expanding. Issue 2: No capital for expansion CanGo must consider how to combine its limited resources to produce the best mix of goods and services. A cost-benefit analysis will help them measure the cost and the benefits correctly. They will need to think about two types of analysis (1) Marginal Analysis and (2) Cost-Benefit Analysis. Recommendation: Performing a marginal analysis will examine how the costs and benefits change in response to their incremental changes in actions. Any additional action that CanGo does will bring about additional cost so, type of analysis will determine if the expected benefits of their actions exceed the added cost. It was mentioned casually that the only source of capital as an IPO. This point was expounded upon by the poor sandwiches being provided. I don’t think Warren made the comment to be rude, but to illustrate the point that financial capitol is limited – especially in terms of expansion. CanGo is generating interest in its industry and community. The time is ripe to offer an initial public offering. CanGo needs professional guidance in analyzing what is value and assess the possibilities of an IPO. It may consider taking advantage of its success in Japan. CanGo’s IPO does not have to be confined to its locality; it has to start thinking international in scope. Its popularity in Japan alone may generate the capitol necessary to expand in product, personnel, and infrastructure.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Lily as the Goddess Diana in The House of Mirth Essay -- House Mirth E
Lily as the Goddess Diana in The House of Mirth      One of the tragedies in The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton is that Lily Bart is unable to marry Laurence Selden and thereby secure a safe position in society. Their relationship fluctuates from casual intimacy to outright love depending on how and where Selden perceives Lily. Selden sees a beautious quality in Lily Bart that is not present in any of the other women in the novel. This mysterious beauty that is so often alluded to, in addition to her attraction for the other men, is best understood when Lily is conceived of as the goddess Diana. As Diana, Lily Bart hunts for the perfect husband but cannot marry, remains separate from the "dinginess" of society, and finally is crushed by a remorseless rejection that can even destroy a goddess.  Diana, the goddess of the hunt and of maidenhood, perfectly combines the traits that Lily Bart exhibits. Although never explicitly connected with the goddess, Wharton's first description of Lily notes her "wild-wood grace" and "sylvan freedom":  "She paused before the mantelpiece, studying herself in the mirror while she adjusted her veil. The attitude revealed the long slope of her slender sides, which gave a kind of wild-wood grace to her outline, as though she were a captured dryad subdued to the conventions of the drawing-room; and Selden reflected that it was the same streak of sylvan freedom in her nature that lent such savour to her artificiality" (15).  Not only the description invokes the image of Diana, but also Lily's name. The lily-of-the-valley is Diana's flower. Lily Bart later chooses to wear a plain white dress for her part in the Reynold's painting, thereby choosing the color of Diana. ... ...Wharton brilliantly interprets through Lily's downfall. Selden's unrealized love for Lily Bart hinges on his realization that it is her Diana-like qualities that set her apart; yet it is this same distinct quality that will bring about her demise. Lily's inability to resurrect her reputation and use the letters against Bertha Dorset is intimately tied to her inability to marry; her pattern of running away from each man that proposes to her plunges her into a downward spiral from which she cannot recover. It is not morals, but rather her qualities as the virgin goddess that ultimately doom her. By making Lily into a form of Diana, Wharton is able to condemn her society even more fiercely. She shows us that the society Lily lives in has the ability to destroy even a goddess.  Works Cited Wharton, Edith. The House of Mirth. Signet Classic: New York. 1964.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Just Cause, Just War Essay
Fighting among tribes, clans, and nations have occurred all throughout history. Civilizations have engaged in warfare to conquer new territories or defend their lands. Debates concerning the justness of war have been going on for many years. While some assert that a just cause is reason enough to engage in war, others believe that nothing can justify war. For my part, to know whether war is just is to understand its cause. In other words, to declare war against another is necessary when it seeks to protect rather than destroy. Based on the just war theory, or jus ad bellum, nations can wage wars when certain circumstances happen. For instance, the bombing of the Pearl Harbor and the threat presented to the nation during World War II were very justifiable reasons to involve the nation in war against Japan and its allies. It retaliation, the U. S. attacked enemy troops and enemy lands. If the United States did not actively participate in neutralizing the enemies, then, it probably would have fallen under the control of foreign troops. On Japan’s side, it attacked the U. S. naval base because it wanted control of a particular route. Its reason for starting a fighting with the U. S. is not justifiable because it sought to destroy and take control of something that does not belong to them. The roots of jus ad bellum came from St. Thomas Aquinas’ writings, which dealt with the moral side of war. Hugo Grotius, a Dutch jurist and philosopher of the seventeenth century, identified three instances wherein war can be considered just. First, it has to done as self-defense. A state attacked by enemies should arm itself and ward off the attackers. Leaders of countries who do not challenge invading forces should be held morally responsible for the fate of their citizens. Those who easily succumb to the will of foreign troops do not remain faithful to their duties of protecting their nations’ commerce, sovereignty, and the life of their people. Second, war is permissible in order to restore what has been lost, which implies that lands or properties taken by force by a foreign army should be retrieved using warfare. And lastly, war can be made against another state to exact punishment. In the case of Germany and its allies during the Second World War, they received punishment when the allied forces attacked their countries in order to make them pay for having started the war. Notable people since ancient times have believed that war is just. According to Cicero, war should have a clear goal by determining who and when to fight the enemies. Immanuel Kant notes that war is an important element of humanity. Without it, Kant thinks that people won’t reach their perfect state. On another note, Jihad is ideally fought to expand and protect Islamic states. It has to be conducted in such a way that it won’t kill women and children, nor destroy residences. Some extremists have used the Jihad as a means to incite war versus Christians. In this sense, the Jihad postulated by Saddam Hussein was wrong because it resulted to indiscriminate killings. Just like the Jihad, Christians too have their own religious warfare against heretics, Muslims, and pagans, among others. These wars are called crusades, which aimed to defend Christian lands from getting conquered by foreign armies and to recover territories that have been conquered by non-Christians. To conclude, despite the loss of lives as a result of fighting in large scales, it’s unavoidable for men to engage in war due of differences in cultures, goals, and values.However, war should only happen as a last course to resolve conflicts. References Grotius, Hugo. On the Law of War and Peace De Jure Belli ac Pacis. 11 April 2008, http://www. constitution. org/gro/djbp_101. htm Maiese, Michelle. Jus Ad Bellum. June 2003. Beyond Intractability. org. 11 April 2008, http://www. beyondintractability. org/essay/jus_ad_bellum/ Why War Home Page. Kant, Hegel and Deleuze on War. 11 April 13, 2008, http://www. why-war. com/commentary/2004/12/kant_hegel_deleuze_war. html
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Personal development Plan
Target dates for review and completion. How have I chosen these dates? Efficient team 22ND June 2012 -will be management with a target date to review on improved communication my communication skills skills. As I would have ended The aptitude to feel self- my two terms by then assured on message sent and will be confident in out and also, receiving a communicating in form page | 3 (Refer appendix 1 and Ask for feedback from 3) tutors and peers to attain level of proficiency on the assignments for written kills and on presentations for oral skills. Refer learning journal IX) Ones, Marcella) will help me to update my knowledge. So, as to be a part of discussions in group activities and presentations Other than from the books and links informed by tutor I believe I should widen my knowledge by reading reference books like Reduce Stress with Increased Assertiveness's By Elizabeth Scott, M. S. Message without any barriers. Of assignments and presentations. It will be the time close to my internship which will necessitate me to highly have this skill. Personal management skills Planning andOrganizing the activities and most crucial managing time along with it. Solidification at all times is vital to achieve end goals (Refer appendix ) The constant feedback from peers and tutors will help in excelling on outcomes which will reflect upon my planning and organizing skills. (refer learning journal Ill) Keeping the time frame as crucial aspect a constant awareness in managing time will be important to accomplish assignments in Completing a task in time and without rushing them for last minute of submission deadlines.This can be motivating to attain the personal managing skills and their implication in further goal at study and at work in future. 2ND Appraisal-Which is end on first term. By then could reflect back on to the shortcomings in first term which may include delay in submissions or working till last minute. I would than use these as motivational circumstances for terms ahead and prioritize my time more efficiently. In one of the knowledge cast We Were taught on important/urgent grid, than applied this model in relevance of the tasks had to do with their priorities.This grid can be implemented in studies and at work as it helps to accomplish the goals set in time (Refer Page | 4 appendix 5) a comfortable time span. Presentations are time sensitive as well which needs peers to time us during the rehearsals can help managing. Reading books like â€Å"Getting Things Done by David Allen†on personal management other than allocated text books can be initiative on enhancing these skills.Cognitive Skills The articles and case Studying in depth the Critical Thinking and studies provided during theories and models, then Analyzing of all the the course of seminars writing an assignment on readings that are and group activity will same will make us think done. Analyzing and elf to portray on critically when presenting making subject matter in de pth. Our ideas. Recommendations as a The specific time bound Also, studying case studies part of critical reading case studies will help us like one done in module , writing (Refer critically taking notes International Business appendix 1) on thinking of it.Strategy based on During the final answer Licensing of Subway will on case study, it will be make us think critically on important to think the business strategies critically in order to incorporated in an The clear idea while presenting and the accuracy of case study answers shows critical thinking. The discussions in seminars on various theories can be criticized with consistency in them. 1 5th Jejunely-Near to finish line of second semester will mark the decision on depth of my critical thinking with the final task at hand to submit.Over this period at seminars we will come through to various case studies and theories to analyze which will further enrich the critical in depth thinking to be part of all my readings in Page | 5 Team Working Skills: motivation and management all the colleagues of the group and keep them motivated to attain the final goals. Refer learning journal IV) come to final decision and make suggestions to company. (Refer learning journal VI) organization. Even read articles from recommended readings by tutors and critically analyze them like What Great managers Do? L Concentrate on each group members performance and as a group leader helping them with adequate feedback to attain the high assessment outcomes. Attend the various workshops on management at CUL. Participating in various group tasks at university like â€Å"Synergy Business Challenge†where working as team to make profits as business was To comprise appropriate knowledge of ways to attain self motivation I will read books like â€Å"You Can Win†by Ship Cheer and also, book my place for seminars on motivation and management at CUL by tutors and external Professionals who share their experience to make it mor e relevant in understanding. Personal Development Plan Personal Development Plan: Guidance notes â€Å"Personal development planning enables individuals to take charge of their own learning. Learning becomes a proactive as well as reactive process, designed and prioritised to support immediate development needs as well as longer term ambitions†[1] A Personal Development Plan (PDP) enables learners to identify key areas of learning and development activity that will enable them to either acquire new or develop existing skills and behavioural attributes for the following purposes: enhance performance in their current role †¢ address anticipated changes in their current role †¢ address career aspirations towards a future role Prior to completing the Personal Development Plan (scroll down to next page(s) for a template to complete), the learner should undertake a skills analysis activity to determine their learning and development needs and identify development objectives to meet those needs. View the following links for too ls to help you do this: http://www. admin. cam. ac. uk/offices/hr/cppd/career/planning/#now We recommend that the personal development planning process should be undertaken initially by the learner followed by discussion and agreement with their manager. It is recommended that this process should take place annually and ideally should form part of the Staff Development and Review (Appraisal) process. However, it can be equally valuable when undertaken as a stand-alone activity. The personal development planning process should ideally begin at the point at which the learner is new to their role and undertaking their induction. The process can then continue throughout their employment at the University. Personal Development Plan: Key to terminology used in template Development Objectives are objectives that you have identified to enable you to meet the learning and development needs identified at the skills analysis stage Priority identifies whether your development objective is: †¢ critical to your current role †¢ beneficial but non-critical to your current role †¢ critical to your progressing in to future role †¢ beneficial but non-critical to progressing in to future role Activities can constitute any learning or development activity that will enable you to achieve your development ojectives e. . formal training, on-the-job training, work-shadowing another colleague etc. Support/Resources describe what you need to help you achieve your development objectives. Typically this would involve support from your manager, department or colleague to enable you to undertake a learning or development activity such as allowing you time away from your role or funding from your department. Target and Actual dates state when you intend to achieve your development objectives followed by the date you actually achieve them. Data in these columns is particularly useful when you review your PDP as it will enable you to identify any factors that may have prevented you from achieving your development objectives on the target date and build in contingencies to prevent this from occurring in the future. Review date states when you will review progress on your Personal Development Plan. Assuming that you undergo the personal development process annually, we recommend that you review your PDP every six months therefore enabling you to: †¢ Assess your progress †¢ Reflect on your learning Identify whether your development objectives need to be amended †¢ Identify factors that may have prevented you from achieving your development objectives †¢ Build in contingencies to enable you (where possible) to meet your agreed target date in the future Personal Development Plan: Template |What are my development |Priority |What activities do I need to undertake to |What support/resources do I need to ach ieve my |Target date for achieving my |Actual date of achieving my | |objectives? | |achieve my objectives? objectives |objectives |objectives | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Review Date: | | â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] AUA Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice (Higher Education Administration and Management (OUVA) Personal development Plan Target dates for review and completion. How have I chosen these dates? Efficient team 22ND June 2012 -will be management with a target date to review on improved communication my communication skills skills. As I would have ended The aptitude to feel self- my two terms by then assured on message sent and will be confident in out and also, receiving a communicating in form page | 3 (Refer appendix 1 and Ask for feedback from 3) tutors and peers to attain level of proficiency on the assignments for written kills and on presentations for oral skills. Refer learning journal IX) Ones, Marcella) will help me to update my knowledge. So, as to be a part of discussions in group activities and presentations Other than from the books and links informed by tutor I believe I should widen my knowledge by reading reference books like Reduce Stress with Increased Assertiveness's By Elizabeth Scott, M. S. Message without any barriers. Of assignments and presentations. It will be the time close to my internship which will necessitate me to highly have this skill. Personal management skills Planning andOrganizing the activities and most crucial managing time along with it. Solidification at all times is vital to achieve end goals (Refer appendix ) The constant feedback from peers and tutors will help in excelling on outcomes which will reflect upon my planning and organizing skills. (refer learning journal Ill) Keeping the time frame as crucial aspect a constant awareness in managing time will be important to accomplish assignments in Completing a task in time and without rushing them for last minute of submission deadlines.This can be motivating to attain the personal managing skills and their implication in further goal at study and at work in future. 2ND Appraisal-Which is end on first term. By then could reflect back on to the shortcomings in first term which may include delay in submissions or working till last minute. I would than use these as motivational circumstances for terms ahead and prioritize my time more efficiently. In one of the knowledge cast We Were taught on important/urgent grid, than applied this model in relevance of the tasks had to do with their priorities.This grid can be implemented in studies and at work as it helps to accomplish the goals set in time (Refer Page | 4 appendix 5) a comfortable time span. Presentations are time sensitive as well which needs peers to time us during the rehearsals can help managing. Reading books like â€Å"Getting Things Done by David Allen†on personal management other than allocated text books can be initiative on enhancing these skills.Cognitive Skills The articles and case Studying in depth the Critical Thinking and studies provided during theories and models, then Analyzing of all the the course of seminars writing an assignment on readings that are and group activity will same will make us think done. Analyzing and elf to portray on critically when presenting making subject matter in de pth. Our ideas. Recommendations as a The specific time bound Also, studying case studies part of critical reading case studies will help us like one done in module , writing (Refer critically taking notes International Business appendix 1) on thinking of it.Strategy based on During the final answer Licensing of Subway will on case study, it will be make us think critically on important to think the business strategies critically in order to incorporated in an The clear idea while presenting and the accuracy of case study answers shows critical thinking. The discussions in seminars on various theories can be criticized with consistency in them. 1 5th Jejunely-Near to finish line of second semester will mark the decision on depth of my critical thinking with the final task at hand to submit.Over this period at seminars we will come through to various case studies and theories to analyze which will further enrich the critical in depth thinking to be part of all my readings in Page | 5 Team Working Skills: motivation and management all the colleagues of the group and keep them motivated to attain the final goals. Refer learning journal IV) come to final decision and make suggestions to company. (Refer learning journal VI) organization. Even read articles from recommended readings by tutors and critically analyze them like What Great managers Do? L Concentrate on each group members performance and as a group leader helping them with adequate feedback to attain the high assessment outcomes. Attend the various workshops on management at CUL. Participating in various group tasks at university like â€Å"Synergy Business Challenge†where working as team to make profits as business was To comprise appropriate knowledge of ways to attain self motivation I will read books like â€Å"You Can Win†by Ship Cheer and also, book my place for seminars on motivation and management at CUL by tutors and external Professionals who share their experience to make it mor e relevant in understanding.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Juvenile delinquency however as a field of study Essays
Juvenile delinquency however as a field of study Essays Juvenile delinquency however as a field of study Paper Juvenile delinquency however as a field of study Paper Various theories have been proposed to explain the cause of juvenile delinquency, this have ranged from the logical to the most basic and instinctive. Juvenile delinquency however as a field of study is a relatively modern development, in the past, societies punished juvenile offenders as if they were nothing more than young criminals. This practice was based on the thinking that the causes of delinquency are not any different from the causes of criminal action and should be punished as such. Scholars have tried to explain why juveniles engage in criminal deviance; early theories were founded on superstition and myth, while the classical school of thought emphasized rational personal choice. As societies became more complex, theoretical models of delinquency reflected the societies understanding of its environment and its biases in that particular time. Biological theories of juvenile delinquency have existed for many centuries and although some of its claims are contentious, it had gained scientific credence along the way. For us to have a deeper understanding of delinquency, we must also investigate contemporary contexts and the past for we gain insight from previous constructs. Moreover, biological theories give us an alternative way of understanding delinquency, albeit in a deterministic way. Biological theories of juvenile delinquency refer to the effect of inherited physical traits on human behavior. The different concepts present a deterministic explanation of delinquency and criminality and hold that some people are â€Å"naturally born criminals†with physical qualities that govern their deviant tendencies. These qualities include genetic, biological, biochemical profiles that theoretically cause or have a strong effect upon one’s predisposition for deviant behavior (Martin, 2005). The implication of biological theories to delinquency is that free will or personal choice of the individual is only secondary; rather it is the internal physical characteristics of the individual that causes deviant behavior. Biological theories of causes of delinquency include physiognomy, phrenology, atavism, heredity and somatotyping. Physiognomy posits facial characteristics were deemed to be indicators of moral character, so that an honest appearance may gain more trust than a dishonest appearance. The theory of phrenology states that the brain is the source of all personality, including deviant personality. It is said that lumps, bumps, indentations, protuberances and other cranial features were considered to be indicators of brain development. The theory of atavism postulates that criminals could be identified by primitive physical anomalies present at birth, however it states that it does not determine criminality but are indicators of criminal predisposition. Heredity has also played a major role in explaining delinquent behavior, especially in inquiries related to the occurrence of criminality in families. The theory states that deviance is genetically encoded in those born into a family group that has deviant traits. A modern development in the theory of heredity is chromosome theory, it is believed that individuals who commit crimes carries with them an extra Y chromosome or the super male syndrome, it was found that males with the extra Y were more common in prisons rather than in the society (Jacobs, 1965). Somatotyping is another revision of an older theory on body types, this sought to identify certain body types that are more likely to be found among offenders, of the three body types, Sheldon found that mesomorphs (people who are muscular, sinewy, narrow in the waist and hips, and broad shouldered) were found to be juvenile delinquents. The biological theories on juvenile delinquency tried to explain the causes of delinquent behavior, as such it has been in a limited way because it does not account for personal choice or the individual. But this is really the thrust of the biological theories; it removes personal accountability for one’s actions and instead is governed by the internal processes and characteristics of one’s body. The biological theories gave me an opportunity to think at how myopic our view of human behavior was in the past, but nevertheless it also displays man’s ingenuity in searching for answers. In real life however, there is truth in the claims of the biological theories, like when we seem to feel good about children who are pleasant looking, and why we shun children who are not. There is even almost this stereotype that juvenile delinquents resemble mesomorphs in body types, and that we often hear people say that children are sometimes born evil? Thus, it can be said that even if biological theories are outdated and needs to be scientific, it nevertheless is a tool to broaden our understanding of delinquency. References Canter, Rachelle. (1982). Family Correlates of Male and Female Delinquency. Criminology 20:149-67. Howell, J.C. 2003a. Preventing and Reducing Juvenile Delinquency: A Comprehensive Framework. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Jacobs, P., Brunton, M., Melville, M.M., (1965). Aggressive behavior, mental subnormality, and the XYY male. Nature, 208, 1351-1352 Martin, G. (2005). Juvenile Justice SAGE Publications, Inc.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
SAT Analogies and Comparisons Why Were They Removed, and What Replaced Them
SAT Analogies and Comparisons Why Were They Removed, and What Replaced Them SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In 2005, major changes made to the question types in the reading and math sections of the SAT. Two types of comparison questions - quantitative comparison questions from math, and analogies from reading - were booted from the SAT. In this article I’ll give you the rundown on what these questions were like, how the SAT replaced them, and how questions have evolved even further on the 2016 version of the test. What Were SAT Quantitative Comparison Questions? Quatitative comparison questions used to be a considerable part of the math section (25 percent of questions).Instead of asking you to solve for a value, these questions asked you to determine which of two quantities was larger. Here’s an example: x and y are positive integers. 3x + 6y = 180,252 Column A Column B The maximum possible value of x The maximum possible value of y A. The quantity in Column A is greater.B. The quantity in Column B is greater.C. The two quantities are equal.D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. (the answer is A) Why Were Quantitative Comparison Questions Removed? These questions were removed from the SAT in 2005. They were deemed to besomewhat irrelevant to core math skills and a bit too confusing.QC questions were also more reading-based - they were the only math questions that didn’t have symbolic or numerical answers.Ironically, removing them was a move towards making the math section MORE quantitative (that is, purely number or variable quantity-based rather than logical reasoning-based). The SAT was hoping to disentangle itself from its long-standing reputation as a "tricky" standardized test.Quantitative reasoning questions came across more as riddles than math questions because they don't ask you to find a numerical solution or use a well-outlined mathematical skill set. Which Questions Replaced Quantitative Comparison Questions? The 2005-2015 SAT: New algebra II-related topics were added to the math section to replace quantitative comparison questions.These included: exponential growth, manipulation of fractional and negative exponents, functional notation, absolute value, equations of lines, and data interpretation. Quantitative comparison questions were replaced with questions that specifically targeted areas of math that students were familiar with from algebra and geometry classes and could be used to demonstrate a strong understanding of core math principles. The Current (2016) SAT: Not too much has changedfrom the previous version, but a few more math topics have been added.These include: basic trigonometry, more data interpretation, questions that invoke real life scenarios, and more in-depth questions involving algebra and solving equations. The latest version of the SAT wants to make sure students have a solid understanding of foundational math concepts AND can apply those concepts in real life. Here's an example of a math question that might appear on the current SAT: This question asks you to use your mathematical skills to analyze a real data set. The ability to answer quesitons like this more accurately reflects career and college preparedness than performance on quantitative comparison questions, which were totally disconnected from real life scenarios. What Were SAT Analogy Questions? These were the original stereotypical SAT questions.You were given a pair of words and asked to choose from five other pairs of words to find the relationship that most closely resembled that of the first pair. In the following example, you can interpret the dots as the words â€Å"is to†so you would think of it as â€Å"Paltry is to significance as _______ is to _________.†where the blanks are the two words in one of the answer choices. PALTRY : SIGNIFICANCE :: A. redundant : discussionB. austere : landscapeC. opulent : wealthD. oblique : familiarityE. banal : originality (the correct answer is E) An interpretation of this painting with all the words from the wrong answers: "I'm sick of these redundant discussions in this austere landscape on subjects with which I only have a very oblique familiarity. Let's go rob a bank and buy an opulent mansion with our newfound wealth." Why Were SAT Analogy Questions Removed? Analogy questions were removed in 2005 when the verbal reasoning section of the SAT was renamed "critical reading".These questions were criticized for being irrelevant to success in a college or work environment. Analogy questions gave the SAT its reputation for using â€Å"tricky†question formats and being a puzzle rather than a straightforward assessment. They were also criticized for being biased towards certain socioeconomic groups.This question in particular was called out by the National Center for Fair Open Testing for providing a clear advantage to coastal elites: RUNNER: MARATHON :: A) envoy: embassyB) martyr: massacreC) oarsman: regattaD) referee: tournamentE) horse: stable The answer was C, but unless you own at least one pair of salmon-colored shorts you probably don't have more than a vague idea of the relationship between those terms. It was also argued that analogies could be coached (giving more advantage to kids who can afford tutors) and used vocabulary that was too unorthodox for most students to know.On an analogy question, you can’t rely on context if you don’t know the meaning of a word. You’re basically stuck with guessing.Try comparing apples to oranges when you don’t know what an orange is or you think you have a vague idea that it might also be some kind of food. It’s...fruitless. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Which Questions Replaced Analogy Questions? The 2005-2015 SAT: Sentence completion questionswere the closest analogue (sorry, the wordplay is getting out of hand) to analogy questions on the 2005-2015 version of the SAT. Though they were also on the SAT prior to 2005, after the removal of analogy questions they became the only real vocab-centric questions in the Critical Reading section. These questions called for skills inidentifying vocabulary in the context of a sentence.You were given a sentence with one or two blanks and asked to choose the best vocabulary word to fill in the blank(s). Here’s an example about Jones, who you find out was actually a ghost the whole time at the end of the SAT: ____ by nature, Jones spoke very little even to his own family members. A. garrulousB. equivocalC. taciturnD. arrogantE. gregarious (the answer is C) You can see how these questions might still present a problem if you don’t have an advanced vocabulary, but they did give you a little more to work with if you weren't sure of the exact definitions of the words. The Current SAT: On the current SAT, sentence completion questions are replaced with vocabulary in context questions.Thesequestions are similar to reading questions found on the ACT. You are asked to pick out the closest synonym for a vocabulary word that appears in a passage. Here’s an example: ...The coming decades will likely see more intense clustering of jobs, innovation, and productivity in a smaller number of bigger cities and city-regions. Some regions could end up bloated beyond the capacity of their infrastructure, while others struggle, their promise stymied by inadequate human or other resources. As used in line 55, â€Å"intense†most nearly means A) emotional.B) concentrated.C) brilliant.D) determined.(the answer is B) The goal of these questions is to encourage students to understand the nuances in meaning of more common words rather than overwhelming them with a bunch of archaic vocabulary.The best way to study for these types of questions is to focus on honing your passage reading skills.The ability to read and interpret the meanings of passages correctly is key on the current version of the SAT because all questions in the reading section are passage-based. Conclusion Essentially, the SAT removed these old types of questions to reduce criticisms about inequality. The test continuously finds itself under fire for the direct proportionality of family income to test scores, and it has made numerous efforts over the years to reinvent itself to combat this problem. In a decade, we may see yet another re-imagining of the SAT to tackle these issues in a different way. What's Next? It's not just the SAT Math section that asks you to read charts and graphs. The Reading and Writing sections have data interpretation questions as well. Learn more about the best ways to solve them. You should also check out this guide to figure out when you should take the SAT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Death Penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 5
Death Penalty - Essay Example In the past the methods of execution were aimed at causing the maximum suffering to the condemned person. This has been replaced by the functional methods adopted by most of the modern governments. The new approach emphasises the killing of the convicted person and not upon the suffering that results from the punishment(Bannister, 2008, p. 167). This indicates a more humane approach to the killing of convicted persons. However, killing a convict is fundamentally wrong. Punishments serve the important function of averting the dissolution that is noticed in the moral and physical worlds. These punishments come to the notice of the public and remain fixed in their mind. Moral speeches, great truths, moving speeches and strong words cannot achieve what punishment does. In order to prevent violation of the law in the long term, it is essential to have a system of strong punishments(Beccaria, 2011, p. 9). However, the death penalty fails to achieve these objectives. The deterrent effect of such punishment is no longer accepted in the world. When people have to live independently and in isolation, they are placed in a continuous state of war. The freedom enjoyed by such people is always in danger of being destroyed by others. This forces people to form societies that are governed by laws. These laws ensure that the rights of the people are not harmed. In order to live in a society that is subject to the rule of law, people have to forego a portion of their liberty. It is this sacrifice that provides people with a safe and peaceful life(Beccaria, 2011, p. 9). In this manner, a depository of surrendered sacrifices is created. The total of the individual liberties constitutes the sovereignty of a country. Something more is required; namely, a defence of individual liberties against the attempts of others to take undue advantage. As such, people tend to retrieve their surrendered liberties. At the same time, individuals attempt to appropriate what belongs to
Friday, November 1, 2019
Ending life ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ending life ethics - Essay Example The two principles are related because beneficence requires patients to make informed decisions and physicians to respect the decisions. It also requires physicians to guide patients against making decisions that are contrary to their best interest. The principle of autonomy can help the two doctors to respond to John’s condition. Doctors should guide patients in making their decisions by informing them about the consequences of their decisions. The two doctors failed to honor this principle by failing to inform John about the consequences of administering no treatment on him. The patient has the right to access relevant information from doctors to guide him in making his decisions. However, the two doctors should use this principle and communicate with John about the consequences of his decision. A mentally fit patient has the right to withhold his earlier decision. Dr. W. respects John’s will that he should not receive any additional treatment. This conflicts with the principle of beneficence, which requires that their actions be directed towards the best interest of John. The best interest in this case is saving his life. Furthermore, John had withheld his previous decision and requested the doctors to do something. The doctors should respect this not because it is demand of the principle of beneficence but because it is the wish of the patient. However, this will raise another question on whether the decision of a patient who is under the influence of health conditions should replace his original decision or preference. John’s second decision is as a result of despair due to his health condition. It is common for circumstances and other... This essay focuses on ethical issues and principles of life ending. Biomedical ethics refers to the principles that govern the morals, judgment and values in medicine. There are many principles that govern the behavior and action of doctors and other medical staff in the profession. Ethical dilemma arises when, for example, the values of the hospital (medical profession) conflict with the values of the patient or his family members. Such cases require the use of the key principles that will assist one in understanding and responding to the cases. Doctors choose the best course of action to take on patient with the help of these principles. Doctors and other medical staff should observe the principles behind these ethics to help them in solving ethical dilemma. Application of these principles requires clear communication channels between all the parties involved. It is clear that patients make decisions out of some influences that are beyond their control. Physicians should guide the patients in making their decisions. Patients have the right to use medical information to make their decisions but doctors should make sure that the decisions made acknowledge all consequences. Improving the welfare of patients should be the motive of all doctors. Physicians should be able to gauge the conditions that influence the decision of a patient and use their knowledge in determining the viability of decisions made. They should guide patients in making decisions regarding their health conditions and preferences.
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