Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Ultimate Question - 2449 Words
The Ultimate Questions First let me start off my paper by giving thanks. I would like to thank you Lord for loving me enough that he thought I was worth saving and worth keeping. He gave his life for mine, if this wasn’t so my presences would not be here. He put into place a Church and its leaders that helped with my feedings of the words of God and as I listened my life began to change. My relationship with him grew personally as well as my spiritually again thank you. Being in this course the History of Ecclesiology and Polity, it has taught me many things about the difference in denominations of the church. In the Pauline letters Paul who was a minister of Christ Jesus wanted us to know what were the structures and order of the Gentile churches of his day. He also wanted today’s church to know the normative structures and order as well. Jesus was exceptionally clear on how he wishes His church to be organized and managed here on earth in His word. Jesus first wanted us to know that he is the head and highest authority of the church. â€Å"And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy†(Colossians 1:18 NIV). Paul during his time delegated authority to help co-work and represent him in the administration of his churches. For example the Missionary letter of Timothy â€Å"We sent Timothy, who is our brother and co-worker in God’s service in spreading the gospel of Christ, toShow MoreRelatedThe Ultimate Question2520 Words  | 11 PagesThe Ultimate Questions First, let me start off my paper by giving thanks. I would like to thank you Lord for loving me enough that he thought I was worth saving and worth keeping. He gave his life for mine, if this wasn’t so my presences would not be here. He put in place a Church and its leaders that helped with my feedings of the words of God and as I listened my life began to change. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay on Flat Broke with Children by Sharon Hays - 1002 Words
Sharon Hays argues that welfare reform policymakers were legislating moral prescriptions for women in poverty who were to take on Welfare aid. I think it could be argued that moral prescriptions on the lives of Welfare recipients was purposeful. Politicians felt Welfare needed to change and help recipients become more self-sufficient over time. This would save money as time went on but would also be a measure of success if less people were on Welfare as time went on. To make Welfare more temporary, inefficiencies had to be addressed and solved. Welfare legislators decided to put the inefficiencies and prescriptions on the recipients themselves and not take into account any other barriers that could be preventing poor individuals and†¦show more content†¦It rarely goes to the actual mothers involved in the Welfare case and alienates fathers from taking care of their children. (Parks, 2013) This focus on finding and maintaining relationships with fathers is problematic becaus e some women realistically do not want relationships with the fathers of their children. The father may have been abusive to the mother or the children but that is not taken into account. The only thing that matters is that the typical family values are reinforced in the Family Plan. (Hays, 77) The Work Plan would work at getting people out of poverty if jobs paid a minimum living wage but most did not then in the 1990s and most do not now in 2013. (Hays, 236) A lot of people who are poor do work and that just is not enough for people to survive on their own and take care of their families. The Welfare system also forces people not working to have to get 40 job applications in 30 days. (Hays, 52) That can be quite a gargantuan task for a person who has family responsibilities but those are not taken into account. A similar problem is the idea of workfare. Workfare is forced unpaid work for experience but does not stop if you find a job while on workfare. (Hays, 40) This obviously ta kes away time from family but work experience is the most important moral value. The moral prescription of work as the best means of getting oneself out of poverty also does not take intoShow MoreRelatedFlat Broke with Children: Women in the Age of Welfare Reform Essay examples1127 Words  | 5 PagesThe book I chose to write my paper on is Flat Broke with Children: Women in the Age of Welfare Reform by Sharon Hays. In the book, the author looks at the welfare reform act enacted in 1996, known as the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. . She examines both the positive and negative effects that the Act has had on the poor as well as the effects it has had on society overall. In her research, she spent over 600 hours in welfare offices, speaking to caseworkersRead MoreGender Differences throughout History Essay examples856 Words  | 4 PagesThrough investigations of writers as diverse as Silvia Federici, and Angela Davis, Maria Mies, and Sharon Hays, Judith Butler, and Steven Gregory we have come to understand that confronting the categorization of gender differences is a complex and nuanced project. Whether one is an ontologist, exploring the metaphysical nature of gender differences (that may or may not lead down the road of essentialism) or a phenomenologist exploring how exactly it is that one â€Å"does†genderâ€â€to the extent that thereRead MoreDesigning a Customer Driven Statergy23698 Words  | 95 Pagessmall-market Americans aren’t interested in anything that can’t be bought at Wal-Mart (or its restaurant equivalent). How’s the strategy working? Just check out the dozen or more parties lined up on a typica l Friday night outside the Applebee’s in Hays, Kansas, a small town of 21,000 people located in an area known 186 Part 3 Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy and Integrated Marketing Mix TABLE 7.1 Major Segmentation Variables for Consumer Markets Geographic World regionRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 Pagessome of their investments in general training because employees incur costs of mobility, such as the costs of finding new jobs and relocating. If the costs of mobility are high enough (moving expenses, realtors’ fees, psychological costs of moving children, etc.) the employer can pay a wage lower than the employee’s new general skills would warrant at other places of employment.12 Labor economists also argue that employers are more reluctant to lay off employees in whom they have invested in specific
Monday, December 9, 2019
Marketing Strategies Of Aldi Supermarket †
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Strategies Of Aldi. Answer: Introduction This assignment allows thorough application of knowledge, tools, theories, and frameworks involving the strategy and strategic practices of Aldi discount supermarket. Specifically, the marketing-related strategies, as well as their effectiveness regarding the Aldi discount supermarket, are considered (Jrgens, 2014 pp.18). Simply, this paper aims to provide the market analysis, experiences, and practices which cover the marketing theory. Therefore,marketing and management are viewed as a type of an organizational discipline which is concerned with the marketing orientation, methods, as well as techniques within the institutions. Various tools covered within this discipline are obtained from the competitive strategy and economics which analyzes the organizational operations. The consumers have an opportunity in place of competitive markets where they purchase their commodities and services. For Aldi to achieve its business goals, it has to look for the needs of consumers to recognize w ays of satisfying their wants (Gmez-Lobo, Jimnez and Perdiguero, 2015 pp.143). The organization should adopt a specialmarketing strategy which has clear objectives towards the promotional activities. In this paper, the Aldi situation is considered to respond to questions regarding marketing and management. The marketing managers are obliged to monitor activities which include recognizing the needs of customers, communicating with the customers, promoting organizational sales, and build the online platform for the marketing and management. The success of Aldi is determined through marketing since various operations depend on marketing. Philip Kotler uses his model to explore marketing, and he concludes that marketing involves examining, delivering, and establishing value to satisfy the customers needs. Background to the Company In analyzing the background to the company, it was founded in 1946 by Theo Albrecht and Karl. The name Aldi stands for Albrecht-Discount. It has various shops in various countries like Germany, Europe, Australia, and in the United States. The idea of the founders was to reduce the maximum legal discount of three percent before the products were sold. Therefore, the market managers were obliged to require the customers to take the discount stamps and use them to reclaim their money (Rudolph, Schlegelmilch, Bauer, Franch and Meise, 2012 pp.10). After some time, Aldi began to expand internationally. The company specializes in the staple items which include the sanitary articles, the cheap households, the toilet papers, beverages, and foods. Most of the products in Aldi make the brand. Aldi employs various marketing strategies to attract and maintain the customers, increasing the customers satisfaction, as they increase their sales. The reputation of Aldi was initially criticized due to the low prices, but later the company thrived. The business experienced challenges about staffing and has been accused of low business responsibility despite the positive returns. Therefore, the marketing and management within Aldi are a great concern for analysis in this paper. Marketing Strategies Since Aldi was created, it has adopted several marketing strategies. To begin with, Aldi adopted the price, product, and place strategies. Through this strategy, Aldi was concerned with investments and aimed to provide the customers with the maximum savings (Morgan, Kaleka and Katsikeas, 2004 pp.105). Rudolph et al, 2012 argued that Aldi estimated thirteen percent procurement prices, two percent of the logistics, overheads, logistics, marketing, and five percent for staff. The Aldis opening hour were limited and was seen as an intention to market its products (Assignment, 2009 pp.8). Around Aldi there were various facilities which were not offered such as the play area for children, lavatory, the lottery terminals and the photo booths, hence the supermarket avoided the additional costs. In the beginning, Aldi employed three to seven staffs to be in control of the entire shop which is a unique strategy which differed from other supermarkets (Babin and Zikmund, 2015 pp.15). Based on th e basic marketing theory, Aldi aimed to minimize the costs and increase the sales to enhance the consumers satisfaction. The marketing theory was evident in the product marketing strategy since it observed cost-effective ways in displaying their products. The company also had a parking space which attracted customers. Through the marketing theory within the strategy of place, price and products, Aldis strategic location allows a good view from the road. Based on the value-perceived theory, Aldi has embraced the strategies of selling products which are equal to the brand. The company ensures competitive pricing since it is a discount supermarket. For that reason, Aldi sells the products at competitive prices from the competitors. Aldi also adopted the promotion strategies as marketing strategies. The different promotion strategy that Aldi has adopted is advertising using the brands comparison. This type of advertising relates to the consumer behavioral theory since Aldi shows how its brand is equal to others hence ensures the customers needs and wants are fulfilled. The advertising allowed the brand to inform the public about the quality as well as the money value. This marketing strategy allowed Aldi to create a slogan called Like Brands for easy campaigning of the products. They also produced weekly brochures to promote the products to the surrounding community. Additionally, Aldi currently makes use of social media besides other promotion strategies to communicate to the public concerning their products (Arslanagic-Kalajdzic and Zabkar, 2015 pp.90). Additionally, Aldi established two segments for customers who were seen as chosen targets within the marketing strategy. This strategy provided the business with the opportunity to distribute more resources, attract and maintain customers. At the same time, the marketing managers would implement the target decisions and recognize the desired position of the business to reach the customers. The business positionin g was a long-term strategy hence a competitive advantage was created for the business. To conclude about the marketing strategies based on the basic marketing theory, the value-perceived theory, and the consumer behavioral theory, Aldi aimed to sell and increase its popularity to achieve the customers satisfaction and increase revenue. Marketing Options If Aldi wishes to remain successful through the next decade, it has to focus on the marketing options described below. Exploring the circumstances of Aldi in 2016, it is clear that the business needs to adopt new market options to thrive further. For instance, in 2016 Aldi accepted all the four major use of credit cards. Aldi also accepted the Apple Pay Contactless payment system during the same year. Aldi had limited partnership, and it engaged in environmental planning to change the developments (Jones, Reynolds, Arnold, Gabler, Gillison and Landers, 2015 pp.190). The suggested change of development would contribute to the loss of five parking spaces which would have no impact on the organizational plans. Therefore, Aldi filed the application regarding the development changes which held the application. Considering the suggested circumstances in 2016, the proposed development changes would not contribute to further success (Okazaki, 2012 pp.20). For that reason, the Aldi should ado pt the marketing options outlined in this paper to maintain success in 2016. For instance, Aldi embraces the tool concerning cost and the time investment. Aldi should consider various ways of advertising their products and services. The suggested marketing option is by using the internet. It is evident that the online advertising which includes affiliate marketing and the email campaigns adds power to the marketing resources of every business (Dahl, 2014 pp.23). People are using the search engines such as Google, to search for the local resources. The other marketing option suggested to Aldi is the Direct Mail. This marketing option appears outdated, and it is rarely used in the modern world. However, it would be a significant step that Aldi would take to avoid the problems experienced in 2016. The direct mails attract attention and call for attention hence it is an effective marketing tool. Signage is another marketing option which Aldi should consider adopting. The signs put infro nt of the business are a significant way of communicating to the customers. The directory listings, as well as the yellow pages, would be good programs for Aldi. Other marketing options that Aldi should embrace are networking, the customer referrals, and the public relations. All the outlined techniques focus on the same goals of the discussed theories, the marketing theory, the value-perceived theory, and the customer behavioral theories (Wilson, Zeithaml, Bitner. and Gremler, 2012 pp.15). Aldi will hit on the target customers, enhance the satisfaction of customers, and increase their revenue. Aldi will solve the problems experienced in 2016 and also maintain success throughout 2017. Conclusion Aldi takes great strides to venture into the market and works towards increasing revenues as well as enhancing the satisfaction of the customers. The business emphasizes on the quality products and services which ensure the customers are satisfied as the customer behavioral theory indicates. Aldi is obliged to maintain the marketing strategies which it embraces since it was created. The marketing strategies include the promotional and the place, products, and price strategy (Martirano, 2016 pp.94). The business has tope with the competition from other discounting business such as Poundland and Lidi. Morgan et al, 2004 suggest that the quality of products is a significant factor to consider attracting the customers in business. There are many marketing options available that Aldi needs to adopt to maintain success in 2017 based on the circumstances experienced in 2016. The business should adopt the loyalty cards and the reward system which is point-based to ensure Aldi stabilizes the market share. Aldi needs to focus on updating their software and embracing the advances in technology to cope with competition. Aldi plays a great role in the economy of the nation, and therefore it should seek to thrive more than the current situation. Bibliography Ododo, C., Mulholland, G. and Turner, J., 2015, November. Can Discount Pricing Be A Comeptitive Brand Strategy? An Evaluation of Aldi. InInternational Conference on Marketing and Business Development(Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 241-251). Bucharest University of Economic Studies Publishing House. Metzger, K., 2014. International Management Analysis of ALDI. Jrgens, U., 2014. German grocery discounters: dynamics and regional impact. The case of schleswig-holstein (Germany).Quaestiones Geographicae,33(4), pp.17-26. Gmez-Lobo, A., Jimnez, J.L. and Perdiguero, J., 2015. The entry of a hard discount supermarket: price effects/La entrada de un supermercado de descuento duro: efecto sobre precios.Investigaciones Regionales, (31), p.143. Rudolph, T., Schlegelmilch, B.B., Bauer, A., Franch, J. and Meise, J.N. eds., 2012.Diversity in European marketing: Text and cases. Springer Science Business Media. Morgan, N.A., Kaleka, A. and Katsikeas, C.S., 2004. Antecedents of export venture performance: A theoretical model and empirical assessment.Journal of marketing,68(1), pp.90-108. Assignment, C.M. 2009, Aldi Supermarkets. [ ]: https://www. slideshare. net. Babin, B.J. and Zikmund, W.G., 2015.Exploring marketing research. Cengage Learning. Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M. and Zabkar, V., 2015. The external effect of marketing accountability in business relationships: Exploring the role of customer perceived value.Industrial marketing management,46, pp.83-97. Jones, M.A., Reynolds, K.E., Arnold, M.J., Gabler, C.B., Gillison, S.T. and Landers, V.M., 2015. Exploring consumers attitude towards relationship marketing.Journal of Services Marketing,29(3), pp.188-199. Okazaki, S., 2012.Fundamentals of mobile marketing: theories and practices. Peter Lang Publishing. Dahl, S., 2014.Social media marketing: Theories and applications. Sage. Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V.A., Bitner, M.J. and Gremler, D.D., 2012.Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm. McGraw Hill. Martirano, M., 2016. Effects of Marketing Theories and Customer Relationship Management on Small Colleges.International Journal of Marketing Studies,8(4), p.94.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sample Sports Marketing Plan free essay sample
Executive Summary Major League Baseball, or better known simply as the MLB, is the North American professional baseball league that consists of the National and American Leaguesi. With seventeen states in the United States housing twenty-eight teams, one team located in the District of Columbia, and one team located in Toronto, Canada, the MLB is both nationally and internationally known, as it is broadcasted to 233 countries and translated into seventeen different languages. However, one state rich in history that has been absent of a professional team is Maine. With the addition that it is considered the safest state in the United States, Maine is full to current and potential fans that would benefit from a MLB team. The Augusta Predators is a brand new MLB team that will be located in Augusta, the capital of Maine. The creation of this professional baseball organization will not only bring the excitement and magnitude of a professional sports team to the residents of Augusta, but will provide an opportunity to the state of Maine and nearby states to be close to a quality baseball team. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample Sports Marketing Plan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As this team will be regulated by the MLB, the official schedule of team events and competition will begin in March and end in September, with the possibility of games being extended into October pending a spot in the post-season. Additionally, the Augusta Predators hope to entice local MLB fans and future fans, as well as garner the attention of MLB fans both nationally and internationally. Through this, the Augusta Predators can start, as well as continue to grow into one of the largest sources of entertainment in the state of Maine, as well as the MLB. The detailed descriptions and analysis of the content within this marketing plan will be categorized through the following five points, which are as follows; product, place, price, promotion and public relations. The information defining these five points will be accurate and decisive, completely covering all required information regarding the Augusta Predators. The state of Maine is a beautiful state located in the northeastern United States. Similarly, its capital, Augusta, is both historically and culturally diverse, with nearly 20,000 people calling it home. Although this number isn’t as staggering as some populations, we hope to market the Augusta Predators not only to the city of Augusta, but to all of Maine, the surrounding states, and possibly internationally. This will achieved through the use of multiple media outlets, including local TV stations, SportsCenter, MLB International1,, and many print sources. Additionally, the Augusta Predators will be offering sponsorship opportunities to local and national businesses. Through different packages and prices, we hope to allow businesses of all kinds to associate themselves with the Augusta Predators. As a supplement to our ongoing campaign to increase the awareness and popularity of the Augusta Predators, the organization will associate certain charities, as well as other community-related services and groups. Through this, as well as the previously listed information, we hope to become widely known and represent Augusta and the state of Maine in a respectable manner to the rest of the MLB. Table of Contents Executive Summary______________________________________________2 Product Mission Statement ________________________________________________4 MLB Fan Demographics___________________________________________ 5 Augusta Demographics____________________________________________ 6 Consumer Analysis and Target Market________________________________7 Industry Analysis_________________________________________________8 Organizational Structure___________________________________________ 9 Events Time-Table_______________________________________________10 Place Augusta, Maine__________________________________________________ 11 City Overview___________________________________________________ 12 Price Ticket Pricing Guide______________________________________________13 Stadium Overlay_________________________________________________15 Suite Packages__________________________________________________ 16 Sponsorship Opportunities_________________________________________ 17 Promotion Advertising Through Media_________________________________________19 Public Relations Public Relation___________________________________________________20 Budget Budget Overview_________________________________________________21 SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis__________________________________________________22 Conclusion Conclusion______________________________________________________24 Bibliography____________________________________________________25 Mission Statement Our mission is to provide the citizens of Maine and surrounding areas with the excitement and opportunity of attending or viewing a professional baseball game primarily located in Augusta, the state capital. As a team and organization, we plan on increasing, as well as widening, the fan base within Maine and closely surrounding states, as well as growing into one of the main sources of entertainment in the area. By partnering with certain companies and organizations, we hope to increase the quality and atmosphere of this experience into one unavailable anywhere else. MLB Fan Demographics2 DEMOGRAPHIC AVID FAN LOYAL FAN FAN AGE 18-24 11% 11% 12% 25-34 16% 17% 17% 35-44 20% 20% 20% 45-54 21% 21% 20% 55-64 14% 15% 15% GENDER Men 65% 61% 57% Women 35% 39% 43% RACE/ETHNICITY White 86% 85% 85% African-American 9% 10% 10% Spanish/Hispanic 11% 11% 11% HOUSEHOLD INCOME . Cleveland Indians Progressive Field. Cleveland Indians Progressive Field. (2013): n. page. . History of the Game. History of the Game. n.d. n. page. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. . Largest Cities In Maine. Largest Cities In Maine n.pag.Geonames. Web. 20 Nov 2013. . The Maine Compact for Higher Education. The Maine Compact for Higher Education. . MLB International. MLB International. MLB. Web. 20 Nov 2013. . Ozanian, Mike. The Business of Baseball. The Business of Baseball. 2012. 012/. Scarborough Sports Marketing Examines MLB Fan Demographics. Scarborough Sports Marketing Examines MLB Fan Demographics. n. page. Print.
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